Chapter 18

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"You didn't have sex with him?!" Becky shouted down the phone.

"No, he made me cum and my god it was amazing but he just finished up himself over my stomach."

Chelsea lay in bed pulling the covers back over her. She still had another 15 minutes before she had to get up and get ready for work so decided to fill her friend in on last nights escapades with Noah.

"That's weird. Most men would have been in within seconds."

"I know, right? And he still expected me to stay the night?"

"Chels, I think you're overthinking it. Maybe he was just being a gentleman? Maybe it was his way of saying I want to see you again and I'm not here just to fuck and chuck you. Men are weird like that, I mean he clearly likes you. I could tell that much from the way he was looking at you in the coffee shop yesterday. Just relax."

"I guess that could be the reason?" Chelsea sounded as confused as the look on her face.

"Just wait for him to get in touch with you next, at least then you'll know where you stand."

"True. Okay, thanks Becky. I'm sorry for overreacting."

"You're not, you're just overthinking things like you always do. Just chill out and everything will play out as it should. Don't turn against him, just yet."

Chelsea nodded down the phone, unable to find a response.

"Anyway, I need to get ready for work. Alice has asked me to cover her today for the funeral so I need to get in a little earlier. Love you, bitch."

"Love you too."

As she hung up the phone, an idea suddenly popped into her head.


Maybe she was the way to get into Noah's head from the outside. That's it! She decided she'll text Becky later and try to organise a night with the three of them, that way she could get to know a bit more about Noah and his ways, through one of his best friends.

"Chelsea, you're a genius." She mumbles to herself as her fingers trace her stomach, thinking back to the night before and being covered in Noah's cum.



Her fingers wrapped around the pink dildo she held in her right hand as she held her phone in the other, attempting and failing to watch the porn that was playing from the device.

She could see a huge man with the biggest cock she'd ever laid eyes on slamming into this poor girl who was bent over, spreading her ass cheeks as the camera zoomed in close on her dirty hole as her pussy was being destroyed by the man with this monster cock.

In the end she gave up watching and in the end decided to get off from the audio instead, the girl over acting the moans and groans coming from her mouth, the grunts from the man becoming stronger with each destructive thrust inside this poor girl.

Her mind switched back to having Noah's cock in her mouth as she thrusted the dildo inside her now soaked pussy. Her release was close.

"Mmmm Noah!" She moaned, imagining begin fucked by him again. Deep down she was still annoyed the night they did fuck was still a blur.

"Fuck, oh fuck!"

Her hips buckle from the force of the orgasm, her legs quiver as they fall to the mattress, the thick, pink dildo still inserted inside her which is now covered in her milky white cream.

She slowly pulls the toy from her throbbing pussy as her body shudders. Goose pimples now evident on her skin. "Fuck, that was good." She whispers to herself.

Reaching over and grabbing her phone, she turns off the porn she was watching, the girl still getting plowed through and loads up her Instagram account. Checking to see how the post she shared before sorting herself out was doing.

57 likes in 25 minutes. "Not bad." She nods her head in approval.

The candid photo of Daniel Morrow she had caught at their last shoot together. He was laughing between shots and she had managed to capture him being him. Laughing and joking around all the way through the shoot but the minute the camera was pointed in his direction the game face was on, he knew how to control the laughter when he needed to look moody. It was quite the skill, not many could master.

The caption to her post read.

'Today we say goodbye to this beautiful human, I write this with tears filling my eyes still struggling to come to terms with the fact you are no longer with us.

So here's a shot to show the world just how happy you were, how gorgeous your smile was.

Love you, Danny Boy. RIP'

The comments were coming in as fast as the likes. She smiled as she glared at his smiling face once more.

Refreshing her page, she could see she wasn't the only one posting photos of Daniel this morning. Her timeline was flooded with images of his face, the majority of them were of him smiling, selfie screenshots from his page.

Her smile grew much larger when she saw a different post, this time a photo with Daniel and Noah, posted by Noah. No words in the caption just the rose emoji. She knew how much Noah struggled expressing his feelings and with the tragedy of what happened to Daniel she was going to keep a close eye on Noah, much closer than before, to make sure his fate wasn't decided in the same way as their friend.

She come off of Instagram and began composing a message to Noah, using her fingers from her free hand to rub the wet dildo beside her, knowing the person she was now texting caused the creaminess that now covered the toy and was still seeping from her hole.

'See you soon! X'


Another slow update! Sorry for keeping you waiting. Hopefully Alice's release was worth the wait?

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