Chapter 4

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"No worries, Alice. Give me a call later. I'll order us a takeout and you can come over and we can chat. Send your Dad my love".

So my lunch plans with Alice were cut short due to her having to rush of to the hospital. Her Dad wasn't improving and had taken a turn for the worse in the last two hours since we had spoken. Such a horrible illness for someone to go through, and for the families to try and accept.

I was on my way to the office to meet up with Emma, grabbing a Starbucks on the way. Just a plain old skinny latte. Nothing fancy but I needed the caffeine. What's your favourite go to option for coffee?

As always, I was running late. Emma told me to be there at 12:30pm as she only had a free half an hour slot before running across town to see a potential new client. I'm sure our meeting won't last too long, just a few contracts to go over and sign. No doubt, she will still mention my tardiness. It had become a running joke between the two of us, although I'm not sure she found it as funny as she made out. She is a busy woman.

Finally reaching the office, there's still one thing playing on my mind. That DM I opened.

I had already received another mention from the girl who sent it, saying she had mentioned me in her story and I couldn't help but be intrigued by this. What could she have put up in her story about me?

Curiosity got the better of me as I was waiting for the receptionist to tell me that Emma was ready for me. So I opened it.

And there was her message to me, screenshot and added to her story...

'Omg! Noah has actually seen my message! ❤️'


"Noah, Emma's ready for you"

I smile as the receptionist hands me my visitors badge and I buzz myself into the building and towards the elevators.

I mean, I should be flattered that people are that into me, right? I'm not against it, I just have always found it really weird. Maybe I should just give them all some of my time back, I mean they've taken time out of their busy lives to message me. Maybe I'm being a complete dick. I'll ask Emma her advice on what I should do.

"So, that's the store opening deal complete. Oh and try not to be late, yeah? You're opening the store for Christ sake". And there they were, those piercing blue eyes staring intently at me, like they had done many times before. Her dirty blonde hair tied up neatly in a bun on top of her head.

"Yes, boss" I replied. Putting my head down in shame. She knew as well as I did that I probably will end up being late but there's not much either of us can do about it. I'd try my best.

"Good. Now don't forget to post up about the documentary on your story. We need as many viewers on that as we can. You're prime real estate now, Noah. If this goes as well as I hope it does, you will have opportunities coming out of your ears" Her eyes wide, waiting for my acknowledgement.

"Of course" I smile.

"Great, well unless there's anything else? I need to run to my next client" She stands up, shuffling papers around on her desk that she didn't really need to shuffle.

"Actually, yes there is. I need your advice. But we can walk and talk" I gesture my hand towards the door, as if I was letting her out of my office.

"Thanks. What's up?" She asks as she throws her handbag over her shoulder, expertly holding her laptop under her other arm.

"I just need your opinion on replying to DMs"

She turns and looks at me quizzically "You been sliding into DMs, Noah?"

"Haha, no. I obviously receive a lot of messages" Emma rolls her blue eyes at me as I press the button for the elevator. "I'm not saying it to be big headed"

"Go on..." She's bored of this already. I can tell.

"Do you think it would be a bad thing if I start replying?" I leave the question hanging, still unsure on why I'm even asking.

"What harm can it do? In actual fact, it will probably do you more good. It will make you look accessible and not a pompous arsehole. I mean, I'll still know you are" She laughs at her own joke. Now it's my turn to roll my eyes.

"True. And if they do become overbearing, I can just stop replying"

"Exactly. Plus the more interaction you have with people, the more chance your posts will show up straight away on their feeds. The algorithms on Instagram change as much as the wind changes direction, so I think you should interact more. Just try not to fall in love with someone"

I screw my face up "Why would I fall in love? And even if I did, what would be so wrong with it?"

"Single influencers are much more appealing to your following than seeing you loved up. I guarantee the fan girls you have now that see you're single will turn against you or the girl should you show them off on your page. Just trust me with this. Look, I really need to run but if you need me, please just call. I'm here for you, Noah" She wrestles with her bag, trying to reach for her car keys.

"Thanks Emma. I appreciate it, as always. I'll let you go now. Speak soon" I lean in and give her a kiss on the cheek as she manages to click her car door open.

Is Emma right? Should Noah interact more with his following?

Do you think it's true that it's more attractive to people for Noah to stay single?

Thanks for sticking with the book so far :)

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