Chapter 5

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"Becky, Becky! Did you see my story? HE HAS SEEN MY MESSAGE! xx"

Chelsea lodged her phone into her back pocket as she continued to unpack the boxes in the store room. Taking a sharp knife to the sellotape on the next box.

Her phone buzzed as she started to take the T-shirt's from the boxes and began placing the correct sizes on the hangers provided. Holding one of the shirts aloft, checking the new range out. Given they were only plain black, white and grey shirts, with and embroiled logo sewn in, she was impressed by the quality of the clothing. You could tell they were made well, much better than the majority of the clothing stocked in the shop.

She pulled her phone out to see Becky's reply. "And? Babe, he's left you on read. Any 'normal person' had to that to you and you would be fuming xx"

She had a point but nothing could burst Chelsea's bubble right now. She just knew that if she continued to throw the odd message in his inbox every once in a while, it would only be a matter of time before he replied.

"He's clearly too busy to reply to everyone but he will reply. Trust me. Anyway, enough about me. How did things go with Tony when I left you both last night? Xx"

"Really well babe, he seems so cute. He took my number so just waiting for him to get in touch xx"

"Fingers crosses for you babe xx"

"Thank you. Btw, do you still have that story to hand with your boyfriend and that girl? If it's still there, can you send me the picture? xx'

Chelsea looked at the message for longer than usual. Wondering why she needed to see the picture but then it dawned on her that Becky had asked her to take a look at the photo again yesterday before Tony arrived with their drinks.

She logged on to Instagram and searched for Noah clicking on his story. 23hrs. She had to screenshot quickly.

"Knew you fancied him too! Just follow him if you're that obsessed 🤣 xx"

Sending the picture attached to the message, Chelsea placed her phone back into her pocket and continued working her way through the boxes which seemed to have doubled in size in the 5 minute break she had just allowed herself.

She felt her phone vibrate on her ass as her boss walked in to check up on her.

"Oh, Hey, Brad" looking up from the boxes to acknowledge him quickly and continued unpacking the boxes.

"Hey Chelsea. How's it going? Do you need help back here?" He asked reaching for the extra pair of scissors on top of the next box.

"Yeah, sure. Thank you. This is going to take me hours" she smiled as she took the last white shirt out of the box and placed it on a hanger.

"No worries. We need this ready for the shop floor this weekend, so thought you could do with the help" speaking as he sliced open the next box.

"Why can't we stock it until the weekend? I could have waited until Thursday or Friday to sort these out". Only the slightest bit of anger in her tone.

"I've only just found out myself, I was going to get these out to the floor tonight but apparently we have to wait. We've just agreed for some influencer to come in and open up on Saturday as he is the face of this brand".

Chelsea stopped in her tracks. "Influencer?"

Brad rolled his eyes. "I know, right. I thought we were better than getting some unknown random 'famous' face in to do this type of thing. But clearly not and if it does help with sales, then who am I to complain?"

"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. Who's is it?" She couldn't hold the excitement in her voice. Even if it wasn't who she wanted, it still made her excited. Chelsea followed so many influencers and models that she probably already followed whoever it was.

"Erm, some model. Noah something..."

"Are you serious?" Lifting her hand up to her mouth as she spoke. Almost certain she had just let out an involuntary squeal given how Brad just looked up at her.

"Yeah, why?" He asked inquisitively.

"Oh my god! I love him and he's coming here on Satur...oh shit, I'm not working this Saturday!" Chelsea closed her eyes and leaned her head back in disbelief.

"You could always sign up for some overtime if you are that desperate to be here on your day off. If he brings as many people as his agency have estimated, we're going to need as many hands on deck as we can get." He looked at Chelsea in mock disgust as he spoke trying his best not to laugh at her excitement.

"Yes! I'll do it. 100%. Oh my god, I'm so excited!!!" This time the squeal was not involuntary and she didn't care what Brad thought. This was her chance to see Noah up close and personal.

"I need to tell Becky. Oh my god Brad! You have no idea how happy you've just made me" She pulled her phone back out from her pocket to see the message she received from Becky.

"I knew it! xx"

Confusion rained across her face. Typing fast against her keypad.

"What do you mean? You knew what? Xx"

"Phone away please, Chelsea. The area manager is due here today to make sure the shop is in order for Saturday. Don't give him a reason to moan at me again" Brad stood shaking his head as he hung a shirt on the rail.

"Sorry. I just need to wait for this reply" Glaring into her phone, waiting for the three dots on her screen to be replaced with words from her friend.

She held her breath as the dots disappeared.

"That's Alice! I work with her!! xx"

Chelsea's eyes widened. Within the space of 24 hours, Noah had seen her DM, he was coming to her workplace this weekend and now her best friend works with his photographer. She felt the stars were aligning.

Her eyes widened even more when the banner across the top of her phone screen lowered into view. Notification from Instagram.

"Oh my god" Chelsea stood with her hand on her forehead, her mouth wide open as her eyes appeared glued to her screen.

"Everything okay, Chels?....Chelsea?...Chelsea?!" Brad wasn't about to get a response anytime soon.

"Your message has been liked by Noah"

How you all finding it so far?

Have you ever had a crush on a social media star?

Have you ever slid into their DMs? If so, did they answer?

Thanks again for sticking with it :)

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