Chapter 4

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She lied in her bed, feeling the warmth of the sun upon her skin.

'I'm so hungry,' she thought under the covers, her eyes still shut. 'I wonder if dad made any pancakes today.'

She slowly opened her eyes. The room she was in wasn't her usual room. 'Where am I?'

Then it dawned on her where she was. She remembered last night and it all came flooding back. She groaned as she covered her head with the blanket not wanting to wake up. She jumps as there's a knock on the door. She doesn't want to answer it. She was scared. 'What if he hurts me again?'

Another knock makes her jump again, her stomach in knots.

"Who is it?" she asked.

"It's Linda, the maid. May I come in?"

"Yeah, sure," she gets up to unlock the door.

"Hello Mrs. Stone. I'm Linda nice to meet you. I came to clean up in here if you don't mind. Mr. Stone also gave me some information to pass on to you," Linda smiled. She was an older blonde woman with a warm smile and bright green eyes.

'Mrs. Stone? Ugh I don't think I'll ever get used to that." She thought, disgusted sharing his last name.

"Hi Linda. Nice to meet you as well. You can call me Sierra."

"Ok Mrs. Sierra. This is for you," she hands her a letter that says "For the wife".

Sierra thanks Linda and opens the letter. Inside was the rules and another note.

The note read:

Good morning wifey.

Tonight is my company's 50th year anniversary. We are having a huge party tonight which you will accompany me to. I have left your outfit in my room on the bed. There will be someone coming over later to do your hair and make up. I will be home around 5 to pick you up. Be ready! I don't like to wait. You will keep the rules with you at all times. Follow them or there will be consequences!

Love, your husband.

'This guy is a frickin psychopath,' she rolled her eyes and headed to his room.

She walked over to the bed and looked at her dress.

"Well at least there are perks to being married to a rich asshole," she chuckled as she looked in amazement at her gorgeous dress.

She made sure she was done and ready by 4:59. Sure enough at exactly 5:00 Harvey was honking the horn outside the house.

He gawked as she walked towards his car in her dress.

"Lucky me! I'm gonna have to keep an eye on you tonight," he winked at her as she hopped in the passenger side.

As they drove, Harvey reached for Sierra's hand.

"Where is your ring?" he shouted.

"It's at the house. I took it off last night after what happened," Sierra said quietly.

"You stupid bitch. Do you know how much that ring is worth? Is that what a marriage means to you? Nothing!" He shouts, grabbing her thigh and gripping tight.

She winces in pain and grabs his hand trying to remove it but he's too strong.

"Ow I'm sorry. I was upset but I promise I won't take it off anymore. I'm sorry! Please stop! It hurts!" She cries.

"You're such an idiot! Do you know how messed up it's going to look at the party? I'm wearing my ring and you're not wearing yours! This is my big night and you're already making me look like a fool!" He hissed as he sped down the freeway.

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