Chapter 1

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Ever since she was a little girl, Sierra Walker had always dreamed of her wedding. She wanted a relationship exactly like her parents. They'd been together for over 30 years, sticking it through thick and thin. Growing up she'd always admired how in love they were. She aspired to find her true love and be as happy and her parents are. She wanted to marry her best friend just like they did. Little did she know the monster she'd actually end up with.


"Remember Sierra, make a great impression. We need this money," Sierra's father, Lee, told her as they pulled up outside a large gray building.

"I know dad. Don't worry. I have a good feeling about this. I just wish mom could've came with us," she replied.

"Yeah me too. That's exactly why we need to do this, for her," he smiled holding his daughters hand.

Sierra's mom, Alice, was diagnosed cervical cancer. They didn't have insurance or the money for the surgery and medicine she needs. Lee owned a little mom and pop convenience shop, but haven't had a single customers in months. They are on the brink of bankruptcy and are desperate, so Sierra and Lee are both attending the party of a rich tycoon hoping to buy the shop off of them.

As they entered the building they were in awe of how sensational the place looked. Streamers and decorations hung from the walls and ceilings. Dozens of tables stood around the large ballroom floor. Servers carried around trays of champagne and the finest of food. The room was full of beautiful people. Women in exceptional dresses and men suited up in the finest tuxedos.

"Wow! We might be out of our league here dad," Sierra exclamed gazing the view before her.

"Yeah this is pretty fancy huh? It's fine just blend in," Lee said in amazement. They separated and mingled.

'I'm starving!' Sierra thought as she walked up to the table covered in the most delicious food.

Out of nowhere, a tall handsome man walks up behind her and rests his hand on her ass. She looks over her shoulder and sees the most attractive man she'd ever laid her eyes on.

"Hello beautiful. Would you like to be mine for the night? I have a lovely bed with your name on it," he smiles his most devilish grin.

She glanced over his angelic features. Any girl getting hit on by a man as sexy as him would've immediately fallen head over heels. Sierra is a very beautiful woman and was always getting hit on by guys. It's something she's gotten used to. But something that she found an absolute turn off is when men think they can just put their hands on her like they own her.

Rolling her eyes she replied, "First of all, that line is super cheesy. Secondly, don't touch me!" She grabbed his hand off of her ass, tossed it aside, and walked away.

The man stood shocked, glaring at the women who just blew him off. He'd never been turned away or told off by anyone. He was furious yet slightly turned on.

Lee came out around the corner to find the man of the hour. The one who could possibly change his life. He graciously approaches him.

"Mr. Stone, what a pleasure it is to finally meet you. My name is Lee Walker. I'm the one who called you about my shop. I hate to be forward but have you come to a decision?" Lee questions shaking the mans hand excitedly.

"Ah yes, Mr. Walker.  Yes I have thought about it and I don't think I'm going to buy your..." Harvey Stone started to explain until a familiar face waltzed in interrupting their conversation.

"Daddy there you are! I've been looking for you everywhere! Have you found the big honcho yet?" Sierra questioned.

"Sierra! I'm apologize for my daughter Mr. Stone. She's more of a free spirit," Lee gave a quick glance to Sierra.

She looked over to see who her father was talking to and turned out to be none other than the man she'd just blown off. In an instant, her stomach was in knots.

'Well if it isn't the little tease. She thinks she can tell me off and get away with it? She's going to pay big time. Oh this is going to be fun' Harvey thought.

"No it's fine Mr...Walker was it? Please, come to my office and bring your daughter. We have business to discuss," he said with a big grin.

Sierra gulped and followed behind her dad and Mr. Stone. They rode up an elevator to floor 30, silence upon everyone's lips.

When they finally reached his office, Mr. Stone graciously opens the door for Lee and Sierra.

"Mr. Stone can I have a moment please?" Sierra asks in her sweetest voice.

"Sure. Please take seat Mr. Walker," Harvey smiled ushering him into his office and closing the door, leaving him and Sierra alone.

Sierra looked directly into Harvey's eyes. They were as blue, beautiful, and deep as the ocean.

"I just wanted to say I'm extremely sorry for what I said earlier. Please don't make my father suffer for my idiocy," Sierra sincerelyapologizes.

Harvey smiles walking up to Sierra til he's face to face with hers. "Your dad has nothing to worry about. You on the other hand, should be terrified." He winked at her and backed away, opening the door to his office inviting her inside.

She gulped nervously and took a seat next to her father. They waited for Mr. Stone to speak. He walks over to his desk and sits down.

"So Mr. Walker. You wish for me to purchase your business. Is that correct?" Harvey asks in all seriousness.

"Yes Mr. Stone. I no longer need the store. My wife is deathly ill and I am in desperate need of money. Please help us," Lee begs.

Harvey glances to Sierra, making her nervous, he looks down contemplating his response.

"Alright Walker. I'll purchase your facility," he grins.

Lee looked as if he was about to do a backflip. He jumped up from his chair, "Thank you so much! You have no idea how much this means to us!"

Harvey smiles, lifting his finger up saying, "There is however, one condition."

"Whatever you want," Lee responds instantly.

"I want your daughter," Harvey said simply.

Silence filled the room.

"I'm sorry, did you say you want my daughter? What do you mean?" He questioned.

"I want to take your daughters hand in marriage. I want her to be mine. Forever," he said quietly with a devilish grin.

Both Sierra and Lee looked at each other, unsure of what to say. They both thought he was joking but he didn't seem like the type of guy who makes jokes.

"It's obviously a big decision to make. Think about it and get back to me within 24 hours. Wait any longer and the deal is off," Harvey said standing up holding open the door. Silently, Lee and Sierra stand up and exit his office unsure of what to do next.

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