meeting the 4 factions part 2

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Previously on the return of the high commander

"Calm down akagi"
Apparently it work as I don't sense her murdering intent anymore as I started to pet her more

Akagi:"uuu... alright then..."

She retract her claws and sit on a chair reluctantly

"Good girl"

Apparently it send her to another world as she starts to shiver and mumbles something


Then I saw Carl start to look around and look at his watch before looking around again and have a confused look

"What's up Carl?"

Carl:"hmm that's odd...the head shipgirls of the royal navy and ironblood aren't here yet"

Present time

William's POV

"You think they got the message?" I say as I don't even bother to
look around as I don't know how they look like or anything

Carl:"they should have" he says as he take another look at his watch and as I take a look around the room and speaking about factions there is another one tha hasn't arrived yet, enterprise herself hasn't show up

"Hmm speaking about factions, enterprise is not here either" Carl apparently not amused by what she did from his look just sigh.

Carl:"haiz...she must've been still there"


Carl:"your office off course"

"Possible, but I'm pretty sure she's already gone outside when I ran away"

Carl:"huh...then this is definitely something new"

Since we're getting nowhere with this I decided that we should go outside and find them,I know they might tackle me as soon as they see me but oh well screw it.

"I think we should go outside and try to find them"

Carl:"that's actually might be the best solution". Then he turns to the counselors.


"YEAH JUST SIT YOUR ASSES DOWN!" I say to them, especially
Adams that was right now under a very heavy gaze from akagi

Adams:"hngggg...fine" he says as he was sweating and shaking from akagi's gaze which I do not mind about

Carl:"alright time to find the factions representatives" he says as we're about to leave as his phone suddenly ring

Carl:"hm?who's calling?" As he took his phone out of his pocket

"Definitely something or someone" I say stating the obvious logic to him as he answers the call.

Carl:"Hello Carl mithos here how may I help you?"

Carl's POV

The Return Of The High Commander(Discontinued)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang