"They fought monster, and even went through Tartarus together. Percy and Annabeth are an unstoppable, unbeatable force of love. Nothing has any hope of coming after them and succeeding. They defeat and overcome anything in their path. Percy and Annabeth are soulmates, and two of the strongest people I know. Again, nearly as strong as myself." He grinned and flexed an arm. Everybody laughed. I smiled, and Percy smiled at me.

"That was better than I thought, not nearly as many jokes as I expected!" he said. I laughed.

"Yeah, I wonder how long he had that planned." I added. After that dinner was brought out. And all of it was blue. Blue chicken, blue mashed potatoes, blue drinks, blue deserts. I noticed Piper being quiet, and asked if she was okay.

"Yeah, I feel amazing!" she said, forcing a smile. I didn't believe her. I made a note to ask her again later. I smiled back.

Everyone talked, and laughed, and smiled. It was a truly joyous occasion. It was perfect. I wanted to savor it while it lasted. My wedding day may have went well, but there would definitely be problems later. Whether it be monster's, or another war...

I remembered Percy and I's pact. If it were followed, we should be able to avoid that. Live a nice, peaceful life in New Rome.

As it got later, the dancing started. Everyone was dancing around on the grass, jumping, and laughing. Happiness was everywhere. My dress was wrinkled, but I didn't care. I would enjoy this moment while it lasted. Piper not be pleased though....

Where was Piper? I looked around at the dancing faces. She was nowhere in sight. I turned to Percy. "I'll be right back." I said, and kissed him on the cheek.

"Everything okay?" he asked.

"Everything's perfect." I said before I walked away. I had an idea where Piper may be...

I walked quickly the Aphrodite cabin. I had ditched the heels back at the party, before the dancing started. Walking in them was hard and annoying, I didn't even want to try and dance in them.

I approached the cabin, and walked up to the door. I knocked on the door three times, and got close to it here in side.

Piper was in there, and it sounded like she was crying. "C- come in." she mumbled. I slowly pushed open the door, and the caben was illuminated by the moonlight.

"Are you okay?" I said as I walked in. I looked to her bed, and saw curled up in a blanket. Tears streamed down her face. "Oh ods, Piper! What's wrong!" I said, concerned. I ran to her, and sat next to her on the edge of the bed.

"I- it's nothing," she struggled to say through tears, "i- it's just s- something stupid and s- selfish." She buried her face in the pillow, and I rubbed her back. Her braid was coming undone, and her dress was ruffled and wrinkled.

"Piper," I said softly, "what's wrong. Your clearly not okay."

"I- it's nothing!"


"O- okay fine," Piper said as she sat up. Tears streamed her face, and the light makeup she had put on was smudged. "Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for you and Percy, but seeing you two together..." she trailed off.

I started to begin to understand. "It's okay, go on." I said.

"It makes me think of Jason. You two get to be happy, and Hazel and Frank, and Leo and Calypso do to. But Jason, the person I was meant to be with, is gone! He was my soulmate, my one true love! I'll never get a happy ending with him!" Piper cried. I hugged her, and she continued to cry into my shoulder. I started to tear up too. Jason had been a friend. A good friend.

"I- I know it's hard," I began, "and you may never end up with someone, because I do believe you and Jason were meant for eachother. But there is more to life than love. Yeah it's amazing, and a big part of it, but there are also other people to love. Us, and maybe you'll even adopt kids some day. And there is so much more for you out there! Your incredible Piper! You will be happy! I swear to you!" I cried.

Piper looked up. "Do you really believe that?" Her eyes were red from crying.

"Of course I do! Now come on, go clean off and come enjoy the party. I wouldn't want you to miss it." I stood up, and Piper did too. She smiled a little.

"Okay. Go ahead, I'll be out in a second." she said, and started to walk towards the bathroom to wash the tears off her face.

"Good, I wouldn't want you to miss party Leo. If you thought he was weird before, wait till you see him when he's in party mode, as he calls it." Piper laughed a little, and I did too. I walked to the cabin door, and back through the camp. The sky was bright and filled with millions of beautiful stars. Maybe Jason was up there in the stars, smiling down. Maybe he was here with us, even if it wasn't physically.

I got back to the party, and after a few minutes, I saw Piper. She was with Hazel and Frank. They were all laughing and dancing. I smiled.

"Hey, how about we go find a private place. Maybe in my cabin." I turned to see Percy. It hair was ruffled and his suit jacket unbuttoned from the dancing. "To hang out together I mean. It's our wedding day, we should have some alone time together."

I smiled and laughed. "That would be amazing."

We held hands as we walked through the camp to Percy's cabin. It was nice being back here, after studying in New Rome, and living there. Maybe somebody if Percy and I had kids, they could come here too.

We got to the cabin and sat on the porch steps. I looked up at the shining night sky.

"This has been the best day of my life." I said, holding Percy's hand tighter.

"Same is true for me." he answered, as he scooted closer. I turned to him and we stared at each other, our faces inches apart. His eyes sparkled in the moonlight. They were beautiful.

Before I knew what was happening, we were kissing. He pulled me on top of him, and we laid there on the porch. I tried to savor every moment of it, wishing this night would last forever. That this moment would last forever.

But we could share moments like this for the rest of our lives. And tomorrow we left on the helicopter to Rome for our honeymoon. We were staying there for a week. He was my husband now. We would be together forever.

I was Mrs. Seaweed Brain, and nothing would ever change that. Percy and I were one, joined in Marriage, and would always and forever be in love. 

Mrs. Seaweed Brain- A Percabeth Story (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now