💞Life update💞

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ok sooo, I have posted many many rants on here ...heh....and this surprisingly isn't one. Over the past few months I have realized that all those years of stress and crying over my body and the way I look, that it was a complete waste of time. I realize now looking back at the days I wouldn't eat and I see that I had Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder(ARFID). I always knew I didn't have Anorexia Nervosa but ARFID is something very similar to it. There would be days I would take a bite of lunch and give it away or times that I would try to stick my fingers in my mouth and make myself get rid of any amounts of food I'd have in the past day. Because of this I lost over 30 lbs. Over summer I gained some weight(which I have lost now)so in total I lost around 25 lbs, which isn't a big deal, right? But the way I did it is the problem. I am posting this to spread awareness to those who felt or feel like I did. Know that it will get better. Now I am at least 90% comfortable in my body(yes I get self conscious every now and then, but that's normal). I like the way I look. I like my body shape. and honestly don't take the time or energy to put yourself down because believe me it's not worth it.

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