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Akira's POV:

It was an overnight trip and I had the top bunk, I felt awkward sleeping in the same room as strangers, but I was so tired. Akira if maa finds out you were sleeping the same room as a guy, she would kill you! I thought as I was trying and failing to put my bag on the bunk when he came up and put it on it for me.

"Thanks." I smiled

"No problem," he answered. I climbed into bed and fell asleep surprisingly fast.

Raj's POV

I lay in bed unable to fall asleep, today was such a strange day. I was put into the one compartment with that girl-Akira, our meeting had played in my head for weeks and now when I had finally gotten over it, I met her again. And you still didn't apologize...

Whatever helping her on to the train should be enough of an apology. I smiled to myself as I thought back to the moment when I had told her my name was Raj. She seemed a bit 'too' happy about it.

The rest of the day I had wanted to talk to her, I don't know why but I had, but I didn't know what I would say so I left it.

I sighed and turned to my side, and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Akira's POV

When I woke up the sun had just come up. I quietly climbed down but my foot slipped on the last rung and I toppled onto the ground, "Oww, stupid" I whispered to myself and was going to get up when I looked to the side and saw him... Raj sleeping, he looked so peaceful, his hair fell attractively over his eyes. I fought the urge to push it away and turned to leave.

Haii, kina sona! (He's so good looking) I smacked myself on the side of my head and went to the bathrooms.

That was weird. I thought to myself as I got ready, I must be crazy.

I opened the door to the room just as someone came out and I almost bumped into them.

"Sorry." I looked up and saw that it was him, I just smiled and he moved out of the way to let me go first. Oh, a gentleman.

I sat down and started reading, a little while later he returned. I had the urge to talk to him. Just say something. I opened my mouth to say something, but right then the waiters brought in breakfast. Dang it. I clapped my mouth shut and took my meal, which was just some cereal.

His breakfast was much fancier than mine. He had pancakes and some orange slices, he took out a napkin and tucked into his collared shirt and picked up a fork and knife, slowly cutting his food and putting into his mouth.

I felt embarrassed because I had just been scarfing down my cereal, loudly munching it in my mouth. Idiot. I slowed down my chewing and sat up straighter, trying to make eating cereal look elegant- it wasn't working. I wasn't sure, but I thought I saw him smirk. Great job Akira, you just made a fool out of yourself, like always. Whatever man, not all of us are made of money.

For some reason ever since I was younger if I ever found anyone remotely good looking, I always made a fool of myself in front of them. As you probably have guessed I was blessed with bad luck.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we will be arriving in Switzerland in twenty minutes. We hope you had a pleasurable ride and hope to see you soon." Came a voice on the intercom. It was about one o'clock now and I was eager to get off the train and finally do some sightseeing.

I was pulling my bags down, but the latch of one was stuck in the rail, I got it loose and it fell and hit him in the head.


"I'm so sorry" I gasped my hand flying over my mouth, he just gave me a look said

"If you wanted my attention you could have just asked, I would never refuse a lady." He grinned. His voice had a slightly British accent that I hadn't noticed before.

My cheeks flushed and I looked down, "N-no!" I stuttered. He chuckled and turned to leave. I stood there in shock for a few minutes and then grabbed my bags and hopped off the train.

Khushi waved at me from afar and I started to head over when someone grabbed my arm, I turned around and saw that it was him. "You forgot something." He said and handed me my book.

"Oh... thanks!" I replied taking the book from him, his fingers lightly brushed mine, I looked up at him.

"Anytime." He smiled and swiftly turned and left. I also turned and walked over to my friends.

"Ooh la la, what was that?" Gushed Khushi.

"Nothing he was just returning my bag," I answered.

She sighed and continued "I wish Rajveer Kapoor would have held my arm like that!"

"Rajveer Kapoor? You know him?" I asked.

"Who doesn't? He is the new hot shot from Cambridge who just transferred to our university for some courses. He comes from a very rich family and is studying to become part of their business empire, he is..." Khushi started rattling off a bunch of facts, she was like an encyclopedia when it came to guys.

"Okay, okay stop! I get it! Wow, you really do your research!" I interrupted her. She just smiled and shrugged.

"Let's go find the counselor," Shanti suggested. Shanti was our smart friend, she was always organized and on task. But she also stressed out really fast, which was ironic considering her name (Shanti-Peace).

I nodded and followed them, I couldn't help it- I looked over my shoulder to where Raj was. He looked up at the same time and our eyes met for a second, before I turned back around, smiling to myself.


Hey, everyone, I hoped you enjoyed this 'episode'! It's short because it's more of a transitional chapter- please vote and comment! Any feedback is greatly valued!

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