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Raj's POV

We had won and I was happy but I was more confused. I looked over at her, she was smiling so much, it made me feel...good. I slipped away from the crowd and headed back to my cabin. I could have won that, why did I step in front of the paintball?  I've never thrown a game like that before. I had so many questions for myself and answers to none of them, it was starting to frustrate me.

"Raj! Wait up." Arnav called and I turned to face him.

"What was that?" he asked.

"What was what?"

"First you pick that girl to be one your team, then you spend the entire game with her and then, in the end, step in front of the gun to let her win? What's going on?" He grinned.

"Nothing is going on."

"Please, I've known you since childhood. Do you like this girl?"

"What? No. I've only known for a few days."

"Doesn't matter how long you've known her."

"Look I was just being a good partner and nothing else."


"Enough Arnav, I'm tired and going to rest. I'll see you tomorrow." I continued to the cabin even more annoyed.

I heard footsteps behind me and then she called my name, "Raj?"

I sighed. "Yeah," I answered without turning back.

"I...um..." she began.

"If this isn't important can we talk tomorrow." I snapped turning around and she flinched.

"-I just wanted to say thank you. You know for helping me back there, you-"

I turned to face her. "Look don't get any ideas okay. I was just being a good partner and nothing else. Don't get your hopes up." 

"My hopes up?" She asked taken aback. I knew I had offended her. "Please. I'm not one of those girls that hover around you. I'm sorry I even thought of thanking someone like you." 

She turned around and stormed back towards her cabin.

Damn it. I shouldn't have done that.

Akira's POV

"Stupid, rude, jerk!" I mumbled I take back what I said before, he is as bad as I thought, worse even!

I shouldn't have even gone to thank him

Khushi came into the cabin, "Hey I can't believe you won! Good job!"

"Hmm. Yeah." I answered only barely listening. My mind still on Raj.

"Are you okay?" she asked me.

"Hmm...I'm fine." I lied.

"You sure? You look angry." I just nodded.

"I'm gonna grab something to eat, wanna come?" she asked.

"No I'm not really hungry, you go."

"Okay," Khushi said leaving the cabin.

I lied down in bed and tried to fall asleep. Which was impossible as my mind kept drifting back to Raj. What was wrong with him? Why would he say that to me?

After a while, even Khushi came in and went to bed, and I pretended to be asleep. I didn't feel like talking to anyone right now.

I still couldn't fall asleep so I decided to take a walk outside. The night air was cool, so I pulled on a sweater and headed outside. I walked down by the river, watching the fast-flowing water running over the rocks that had been worn smooth.

It was peaceful here at night, the only artificial light was the one by the washrooms, other than that, the light was provided by the beautiful full moon.

I sat there for a while letting my anger slip away. 

I got up to return to my cabin, and just as I turned around, someone called my name startling me. I stumbled backward and my foot slipped on the side, I lost my grip and fell straight into the fast moving water!

I tried to scream as the water engulfed me, pushing me beneath the rapids. I tried to shout for help but the water was so fast, every time I opened my mouth more water just filled it. My lungs screamed for air and spots colored my vision.

Help someone, please help me! My mind cried. Just as I felt myself losing consciousness someone grabbed me by the waist and pulled me above the water.

I hooked my arms around their shoulders and gasped for air I tried to see who my savior was, but it was too dark. We both were pulled into the river for I don't even know how long and then I passed out.


Hey guys! This is another one of those transitional 'episodes' ;) Thank you to everyone who is giving me such nice comments! Please continue to vote and comment on my book!

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