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Akira's POV:

We went on a group picnic the next day. No partner work, thank god.  We drove through Zurich in our bus and I imagined what it would be like to live in such a beautiful city that was surrounded by mountains on either side. It would be like living in a  dream.

We stopped at an open park area just outside the city. All of us got out and helped unload the supplies from the back. I went around to grab one of the baskets and to my luck, Raj was the one handing out supplies. 

I sighed and reached for a basket and while handing me one he purposely slid his fingers over my hand. I jumped back as if he had shocked me, he smirked looking the other way as if he hadn't even noticed.

I rolled my eyes. Typical.

As they set up the picnic I walked around the site. It was set on top of a mountain, and the site was breathtaking. "Wow," I whispered to myself as I looked over the ledge. Fighting the urge to spread my arms and yell. Instead, I closed my eyes and enjoyed the breeze. Everything was so peaceful.

"Kh-" I turned around and bumped into Raj, I was going to apologize before I saw that it was him. 

"Some people really need to watch where they're going." He said and my peace immediately melted into anger.

I glared at him and mumbled, "jerk."

"What?" He said turning his head slightly to the side and taking a step forward.

"Nothing," I answered and backed away. Not in the mood for this.

"No, say it." He said and kept advancing.

"I said jerk." I snapped. I'm not afraid of him.

"Ha!" he laughed.

"You..." I yelped my foot slipping off the edge, I hadn't noticed I was so close to the end. Raj grabbed my hand preventing me from falling. My stomach dropped when I looked down the cliff side the ground disappearing beneath me. My head began to spin and I felt like I would pass out.

I looked at Raj, "looks like the jerk saved your life," he smirked and tugged me up against him.

I was breathing heavily, my fear of heights getting the better of me. 

When everything came back into focus I noticed that I had been gripping Raj's shirt and leaning against him for support. I looked up at him. 

"You okay?" He asked.

I  nodded and quickly backed away from him almost falling again, he grabbed my arm steadying me again, "watch it." He said softly and let my arm go, I moved away from the ledge and he turned around to leave.

"Thank you," I called after him but he just kept walking, I knew he had heard.

I hurried over to Khushi but didn't tell her what had happened. I didn't know what to think now, Raj had saved my life, twice. Maybe he wasn't so bad. 

Raj's POV:

That was... weird. She was the one that almost fell over yet my heart was beating so fast.

While she leaned against me I had wanted to comfort her. I laughed to myself. What is going on?

We made eye contact a couple of times but I would quickly look away. I just needed to get my head straight.

We all sat around the blanket and decided to play charades.

 "We will split into two teams, how about... boys versus girls?" Sam asked and everyone cheered in response and moved to their respective sides.

Hamesha BollywoodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora