CHAPTER 25: Breakfast Chess

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I woke up way too early because I needed the bathroom.
Stupid Chloe, you should know better than not to go pee before going to sleep.
Way to ruin the first opportunity to have a good nights sleep that was not in a sketchy motel or a car or an emergency room hospital bed or something in.. has it only been days?
It felt like weeks to me.
I tried to ignore it little while longer and to fall asleep again but even a superhero is powerless when faced with a full bladder, I guess.
When I stepped into the bathroom, the cold of the dark blue tiles on the floor made my toes curl.
Now I was even more awake.
From the toilet the fancy looking beige shower caught my eye. It had one of those rain shower heads which looked like it was made of bronze or copper or something.
The whole set up looked very inviting to me.
When was the last time I had a shower?
In the Murder Motel?
Oh God was that the last time I had changed my clothes, too?
I looked down and saw that I was still wearing the green flower T-shirt.
And my jacket.
I had slept in my jacket.
Was I the only one who sometimes forgot what they were wearing?
I found a towel I could use right next to the beige sink and new underwear, socks, khaki skinny jeans and a black hoodie with pink symbols on it in my neon pink nose breaker that conveniently still stood next to the bathroom door.
I tried to make as little noise as possible, Miranda was still sleeping and if I felt like I had not gotten enough sleep, I do not want to know how she might feel like if she were to wake up right now.
I had had the opportunity to take naps every now and then on our journey but she had been awake pretty much the whole time.

The warm water felt nice after the bathroom floor tiles had made my toes curl but I really did not understand what the rage about those rain showers is all about.
It was pretty hard to target the spots of my hair that were still full of the flowery shampoo that they provided here.
Champagne problems, I guess.

When I turned off the water I saw the little dark brown trail it left on t on it's way to the drain.
Was that the Murder Motel Mud I had washed my hair with there?
I knew that it could not have been shampoo!
The movement of the dark brown water was kind of mesmerizing so I continued to stare at it.
The caught the light was strangely pretty.
Still, it was kind of disgusting to think, that it had been on my body and that I brought it here.
I tilted my head a little.
All the metaphorical and literal dirt I had been through the last couple of days, running down the drain.

The last time I had a shower I still thought that Paul Herford was crazy for telling me that he was a vampire and look at me now.
I had been chased, I had been shot at (only with blanks but if you don't know that they were blanks it is just as scary as if the bullets were real), I had found out that Paul Herford was a prince of sorts, I had met Lars and Leia and so on and so on and so on.
It sounded like I had lived the life of a totally different person.
Hey, maybe I had become a different person?
A real tough Lady, a real son of a bi.... daughter of a.... douche? Son of a bitch, daughter of a douche?
That wasn't a thing, was it?
Wait, what was I even thinking about?
If I was a adventurous person now?
Out of a whim, because I was also spontaneous now, I turned the water back on and turned the temperature as cold as possible.
No, no, no, no.
Still the same warm showers loving Chloe.

When I got out of the bathroom, Miranda was awake.
She sat on the bed and texted again.
„Morning!", she said without looking up, „Are you done in there? Can I go in?"
„Yes!", I sat down on my bed, „How is Michael?"
„Same old, same old...", she sighed.
„Is he mad at you for not coming home?"
Miranda shook her head. „Not mad, more like disappointed. But he understands that this is my job and that it's better this way. And, I mean, you can't blame the guy for missing me, right?"
She smiled half heartedly.
„I guess not..."
Miranda got up from her bed and searched her bag for clothes. „Wait for me until I'm done showering? Than we can go get breakfast together?"
„Sounds good!"

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