Chapter 1

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"Christopher. Time to get up."

"Hmm?" I woke up to see my mom sitting on my bed. I rubbed my eyes and looked at my alarm clock that's sitting on my dresser.

"It's six in the morning. Mom, why did you wake me up so early for?" I tried to pull the blankets over my head, but Mom pulled them back.

"It's your first day of school, sweetie."

"It is?!" I quickly sat up straight in bed.

"Yes it is." Mom smiled. "And I also woke you up so early so you can take a shower before your brothers and sisters wake up."

"Okay. Thanks, Mom."

"And..." Mom continued, "I want to wish you luck on your first day at your new school."

"Okay. Sure, Mom."

Mom kissed me on the forehead. "I have to go to work now. Bye."

"Bye, Mom."

After Mom left, I looked around my new room, which used to be my uncle Rafael's room. After my grandma passed away in April, my grandpa says it's been hard to live by himself and needs someone to live with him. My parents offered us to live with him, mostly because they have been talking about moving to a small town for a while. We moved from St. Paul to Plummer after my brothers and sisters and I got done with school in June.

As I was taking a shower, I started to think about the last time I saw my friends. The day before we moved, my cousin Natalia and our other friends Jackson, Shaun, and Katherine threw a surprise going away party for me and my family.

"We're all going to miss you, Chris," Natalia said, taking a bite of her chocolate cake.

"Oh, come on, Natalia. I'll see you on the holidays, and maybe you guys can visit in the summer," I said.

"We'll see," Shaun said, taking a sip from his Coke.

"Besides, we'll call each other on the weekend, right?" Katherine asked.

"Of course."

Jackson sat down next to me and put his arm around me. "Hey, just to let you know, if anybody gives you a hard time at your new school, just hit me up so I can deal with them. Alright?"

I rolled my eyes. Jackson always acts and talks like he can kick anybody's ass, but deep down, he wouldn't hurt anyone, not even a fly.

"Dude, no offense, but you're full of shit, even your eyes are brown," Shaun said.

"Why, you little-"

"Both of you knocked it off! Now!" Katherine yelled at them.

They both muttered a "Sorry."

Natalia kneels down right next to me. "Don't listen to them, Chris. What's really going to happen is that you're going to make new friends and maybe a boyfriend."

"Natalia, not so loud! My parents will hear us!" I covered her mouth.

"Relax, Chris. Your secret is safe with us," Katherine said. "Honest."

My friends were the first people that I told I'm gay. They were all shocked when I told them, but they accepted it. My grandma was the other person I told. I told her a couple of days before she died. She gave me a little smile and said, "Oh, Christopher. I'm so happy you told me. No matter who or what you are, I will still love you no matter what." Thinking about made my eyes tear up a little.

After I dried myself, I put my towel around my waist and went to my room and took some of my clothes out of my dresser. As I was putting them on, I heard footsteps coming down the basement stairs. When I got done getting dressed, my door flew open and there stood my ten year old sister Mia in the doorway.

"What do you want, Mia?" I started making my bed.

"Grandpa and Dad made breakfast just to let you know. Better hurry up." She ran out of my room and went up the stairs.

After I made my bed, I grabbed my backpack and went upstairs.

I walked into the kitchen and saw that my dad and grandpa made eggs and toast. I took a seat at the table with my brothers and sisters.

"So are you kids excited for your first day at your new school?" Dad asked as he took his seat.

"You bet!" My twelve year old sister Mariah said.

"Of course you are," Mia said, grabbing a piece of toast off a plate.

"That's enough, Mia," Grandpa said, taking a seat in his chair.

"What about you, boys? Excited?" Dad asked.

"Yeah. Sure," my nine year old brother Jacob said, poking his eggs with his fork.

"Why do we have to move here again?" my seven year old brother Nate asked.

"You know why," Dad said, "And besides, you all will do great at your new school and make new friends. Got it?"

We all said, "Yes, sir," and then we started eating.

"Okay now, kids," Dad said. "Your mother and I will not be home in time to make supper, so your grandpa will be making supper instead."

We all groaned. Grandpa always makes steaks and potatoes for supper. We like eating them, but he makes it so much, we get sick and tired of it.

"Don't worry, kids," Grandpa said, "I'll be making tacos instead.

"Oh, thank God," Mia said.

Dad gave her a glare, then we finished up eating our breakfast, brushed our teeth, said our goodbyes to Dad and Grandpa, and then we went off to school.

Highschool Sweethearts (Boyxboy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora