Ahri narrowed her eyes suspiciously at their armor. The men who were wearing it were Ionian, but the armor was not. Searching through the memories she has stolen, she recognized the armor as Demacian. Why Ionian men would wear Demacian armor confused her, but she still kept her guard up.

"Is there something I can help you with, gentlemen?" the Nine-Tailed Vastayan asked, trying to get some knowledge on who these people are.

"Take off that cloak," one of the men ordered, holding up a sword in an attempt to look threatening.

Ahri simply smirked under her hood. "Oh, so you are a bunch perverts?" she teased at their question. Normally, this wouldn't be a good time for joking, but any chance to get to her opponents' heads could be helpful.

"We know it's you, Demon Fox," one of them called out. Even though being called that hurt, she didn't even show any signs of it. After all, she believed it was her fault for getting that title in the first place.

Ahri decided that there was no point for the cloak anymore, she took it off, but not without making a show. First, she lowered to reveal her beautiful features, which immediately caught their attention. She then sensually took off her cloak slowly, making sure to show off each of her curves one at a time while running her hands at her sides and spreading her tails.

All the men were enthralled by her beauty, which was exactly her plan. Men were easy prey for her. Some didn't even need her to charm them. Just a sultry look, a flash of her beauty, some suggestive body language, and they were pretty much toys for her to play with.

Seeing that they were distracted, Ahri created an orb of magical energy and immediately threw it at one of the men in front of her, aiming to finish this off as soon as possible.

However, much to her shock, when the orb struck its target, it shattered like glass before the pieces faded away. "Magic Resistance armor," the man she attacked smirked while tapping his chest plate. "Straight from Demacia's Mage Seekers," Ahri growled now knowing why the armor was Demacian. The Mage Seekers were a special force in Demacia meant precisely to deal with magic users, and that's exactly what she is. "Now, are you going to come quietly or what?"

Ahri getting into a battle stance by crouching slightly and raising her hands was all the answer they received. They all raised their weapons ready to attack. The first one to move was a man from behind the Nine-Tailed Vastayan, who came in swinging a club at her head. Ahri immediately side-stepped, dodging the strike before grabbing the man's extended arm and throwing him over her shoulder, where he ended up colliding with one of his allies on the right.

The men seemed shocked. They obviously didn't expect her to be able to use hand-to-hand combat. Ahri immediately thought they were stupid for believing that she survived this whole time just because of her magic. She wasn't a master in any way, but she still can take on pretty tough opponents.

Ahri looked at the shocked men around her with a smirk. "Now, who else wants to try their luck?" she taunted.

Her threat was answered by another one of the men coming in and swinging a sword at her from the side. Using her agility, the Nine-Tailed Vastayan jumped over the blade and kicked the attacker's face. She gracefully landed on her feet after doing a back-flip in the air.

Two of them attacked her at the same time, trying to catch the woman off guard. Ahri waited for the perfect moment before using her magic to empower her feet and jump high in the air, resulting in the two men clashing their weapons together.

The Nine-Tailed Vastayan might not be able to use her magic to hurt them, but she can definitely use it to help herself. Descending to the ground, Ahri landed on the heads of the two men that just tried to attack her and used her feet to smash their heads together before jumping off them.

Two Lost SoulsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon