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"A hunter must hunt."

Third POV:

Grey walked into Wel'hel. At least that's what he believes its called. The town was filled with wooden houses, stalls, and obviously a harbour with lots of ships there as well as one metallic ship that dwarfed the other ones. It looked out of place in the villages nature-themed appearance. However, that was not his concern.

He had little interest in the town itself and whatever festives they were preparing for judging by the decorations and the preparations. He only cares that they have boats for him to use. But that still left a problem for him yet to be solved.

Without Ahri, Grey had no guide in this land nor someone who knows their culture. He can only go by what Ahri told him and hope that the money they acquired in the Fighting Pits would be enough to get him a boat to Bilgewater.

The Abyss Watcher's form was easy to spot as he walked through the streets. People were avoiding his menacing figure and a few children were even pointing at him before their parents took them away. He walked towards one of the stalls and looked at the owner, a man with greying hair and beard selling lanterns.

"May I take a moment of your time?" Grey asked, trying to sound as polite as possible.

"Ah, a traveller passing by, I presume? You don't look like your Ionian or Noxian," the old man did not seem that intimidated and looked closer to being bored.

"I am a traveller, indeed. Can you help me find a boat to travel by?" Grey asked another question, getting straight to the point.

The old man's features soured. "You came at a terrible time, stranger. It's the Spirit Blossom festival. Most boats are already docked until it's over and the ones that aren't are on their way back," Grey simply nodded at that information. The old man did not say that there were no boats, just that they would stay until the end of whatever festive the village is throwing. "There's some Noxian ships around. You can keep asking if you want, but I still think you're better off waiting."

"Thank you," Grey nodded and walked away. Grey did not mind waiting, but he believed that asking around is better than doing nothing.

While he walked away, Grey noticed a few men in a grey and black armour, most likely Noxians, move around the village and leave large metal boxes. Normally, he would not have bat an eye to that, but he noticed that the locations they were leaving the boxes in seemed... strategic.

Grey decided to keep an eye on them but not do anything yet. He knew a festival was happening, so he did not roll out the possibility that what the men were doing were part of said festival.

Meanwhile, in another part of Wel'hel, Darius was marching through the docks, looking for Prexis. It was time to confront him of what's going on. Runes to heat ships? Boxes being left in strategic locations? The soldiers practically jumping just from Darius being around?

He wasn't gonna believe for a second that what's going on was normal.

Finding Prexis was not hard. The bald man was standing at the center of the docks while talking to two soldiers, both of which tensed when they noticed the Commander walking up to them with Farron behind him.

Prexis, seeing the soldiers' reaction, immediately looked at the approaching Darius. "Commander Darius, is there some-"

"Enough, Prexis," Darius immediately cut him off and glared. "I want answers. What are these boxes your men are leaving? What's with these rumours of you leaving Noxian strays? Either answer truthfully... or you'll never get the chance to lie again," the threat was followed by a not so subtle sign of reaching for his axe.

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