Day 292

10 4 1

Januray 6th, 2020

Recently I reiced some ife changing news that is to private to post. With proper diet and medicine I should be able to get my problem under control (not a eating dissorder or cancer so don't freak out. )
I have contunied Yoga with Andrie and you guys should check her out on youtube if you are looking for a fellow yogi. I also had my first day of basketball with my gfriend. Might have a shot at A team cause no one showed up pretty much (22 girls but A team is taking 12)
I managed to get fourth in the race and 2nd for who could hold the longest squat-thanks football(48 freaking seconds  yeah). It's still not my kind of sport, but I'll try having as much fun as possible.
I'll keep you all updated.

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