"Wait, what?" Shelby, Lori, and Nashira all say at the same time.

"Yeah, I'm single." I shrug.

"You... broke up with Olivia?" Nashira gasps.

"Other way around." Calum says.

"What! No. That's a lie!" Shelby's jaw drops, as her eyebrows raise.

"See it, and believe it." I smirk, typing in the password of my phone, then going to my messages. "Read the last sentence." 

"I'm breaking up with you..." The three girls mumble, and they gasp.

 "This is an obvious edit! Ashton, what's the magical editing app that you used?" Lori asks, hope in the tone of her voice.

I laugh, shaking my head, side to side. "It's not an edit. It's the truth." 

"And.. you're okay?" Nashira asks.

"Why does everybody ask that!" I groan.

"Excuse me, I'm still here." The girl- I mean Amethea, wait no, ugh, whatever her name is, says.

"Fuck off." I say, hopefully rudely. 

I don't wanna be mean, but... She's getting on my nerves, and I want her to just get the fuck away from me. I just got out of a relationship, and the next day, someone's wanting my dick. 

I can't say I'm not used to this, because this used to be my reputation, but can't some people have some respect for themselves now? I didn't have any respect for myself as much back then, but because of Oliv- Shut the fuck up. 

"You don't have to be so rude! I was just trying to be nice!" Amelia whines.

"Sorry, Amelia, but I guess if you had way more respect for yourself, I'd actually think of asking you out. I'm not all about looks. I'm about personality, and how much you respect yourself. You don't just go around asking guys to go to your house, because your parents won't be there. And you especially just don't want to give yourself up just for stuff. You gotta learn to wait for the right one. You just... gotta." I say, hopefully making sense.

"My name is Amethyst, not Amelia! And fuck you, you.. asshole! No wonder that Olivia girl broke up with you!"Amethyst yells.

Well, now everyone in the cafeteria knows.

"Olivia broke up with you?" Fletcher asks, as he walks up to us. I could tell he was trying to fight the smile of his.

"Yeah, so what? It's normal to break up, isn't it?" I chuckle.

"Aren't you... -nevermind." Fletcher chuckles nervously.

"Were you gonna say Aren't you sad?" I press my lips to a thin line.

"Well, yes, but by the looks of it, people has asked you a lot already, and you've been laughing and stuff, so yeah." Fletcher answers.

"Why are you all forgetting I'm here?" Amethyst whines.

"Because you're a slutty gold digger." I mumble.

"I heard that!" She whines, as the Michael, Luke, Calum, Fletcher, Lori, Nashira, and Shelby laughs.

"Amethyst, go." Someone says. I turn around. It was a guy, with bleach blonde hair. "Go. You're bothering them."

"But..." Amethyst whines.

"Now." He says.

"Fine! You're the worst!" She groans, walking away.

"I'm sorry about her. She's my sister, but she's... quite into gifts. She also wants things her way, so, I just wish you some luck. I'll try my best to keep her away from you guys. I'm really really sorry." He apologizes.

"No, no, it's fine. Well, it's not fine about her trying to get in Ashton's pants, but you don't have to apologize. We're used to this..." Michael sighs.

"We're new here, also... And my name's Anthony." He smiles.

"Anthony, Amethyst... Nice names." Luke smiles.

Anthony grins, and says, "Well, I better go. Sorry about her. She's also.. some sort of fan. Of you guys, though." 

"Mmkay, bye." Fletcher mumbles.

"He's sexy as fuck." Shelby gasps, as soon as Anthony was far enough.

"Eh... He's... okay." Lori says.

"Well, if we're gonna be honest, I find him hot." Nashira smirks.

"Who's hotter? Me, or Anthony?" Luke pouts.

"Of course, you." Nashira answers, laughing.

I roll my eyes, as I start eating. It's already been about 20 minutes past Lunch started, and I still haven't touched my food.

Spaghetti with meatballs. 

Hah, Olivia loves spagh- Again, shut the fuck up! 

I shake my head, side to side, as I munch on one of the meatballs. 

I start to take pieces of the spaghetti strings, or whatever it's called, and I stuff it in my mouth, as some of it falls off of the fork, making my have to put my face closer to the plate, just in case it falls. I suck in the loose spaghetti, and I hear Michael snicker.

"You're suckin' it up good." He says, as my face cringes at his comment.

~Shelby's POV~ 

I feel a hand grasp around my forearm, and I look to my side, to see Fletcher. "Shelby, can we talk?" He asks.

"Um... sure." I gulp.

What's gonna happen? Holy shamalamadingdongs. 

(A/N; So, Amethyst and Anthony won't be extremely important, but they'll have some importance here, maybe. I honestly don't know, because I change the plot every now and then. Heh. Oh yeah, they're played by Lucky Blue Smith, and Pyper America Smith. By my beliefs, Pyper isn't and most likely not, a gold digging slut. So, if you've ever heard of Lucky Blue Smith, and Pyper America Smith, and you love the two siblings, don't hate me. I just wanted to use them for the story. So, yeah. And the people in the picture are Amethyst and Anthony.

I'm surprised people are even still reading this crappy story. I'm sorry if you've started to lose interest in this story.

Which reminds me...

I want to know up to what chapter I should end this, because it's already, and wow, Chapter 58. I was thinking of somewhat 70-80? I don't know. What do you guys think?)

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