Boss Fight: Witch-hazel Part 2

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Silver groaned as he opened his eyes. It was dark.

"Hey..." A soft voice called out to him. He shifted onto his side to see who it was. Flare was sitting up, staring at the sky. Silver sat up and shuffled over. He glanced around before speaking.

"Where are the others?" Flare pointed over to the side. They were all passed out against a tree. Yellow and Red were leaning against each other with Sun on Red's lap and Dandelion's head on Yellow's. Shyly was slightly leaning against Red. Silver smiled softly. Flare put a hand on Silver's head.

"Your fever's pretty faint." Silver sighed. Then he smiled mischievously. Flare chuckled nervously. "What?"

"Two things... one: look at Red and Yellow." Flare giggled.

"Don't say anything and we might not die." Silver shifted uncomfortably.

"True... two: we should wake them up." Flare nodded.


The wake up call wasn't too fun, especially when Red and Shyly had to cool Silver and Sun off. Silver leaned against the tree while Red and Shyly were talking to Sun, who was still heated up. Silver leaned his head back and closed his eyes. Tears escaped without him noticing. Flare had even said before anyone else was awake that his fever was faint. He's then heard footsteps. He opened his eyes to see Red walking over. He looked tired and stressed. Even though he didn't say a lot, it was easy to tell that something was wrong thanks to his lack of hiding emotions. Silver lowered his head when Red sat down next to him.

"You good?" Silver nodded softly. Red frowned a little. "You sure?" Silver nodded again, this time with more confidence.

"I'm... I was doing really well before we had to wake Sun up." Tears started to form again. Red pulled Silver into a hug. Silver tore up. After a few minutes, he collected himself. Red smiled.

"Better?" Silver nodded. Red grinned. "Don't worry about Sun. From what I've heard..." Silver snickered.

"Which is probably everything." Red mumbled something under his breath, causing Silver to giggle.

"Sun isn't doing too well either. Just give it some time." Silver glanced at Red like he was crazy.

"This is being said about the suicidal person." Red lightly shoved him. If his goal was to get a point across, Silver just blew it. Silver laughed at the very bad push. Red sighed and stood up. He held his hand out.

"Come on. We still have a witch to kill." Silver took the hand.


The group was quietly flying over the base of the Witch. The plan was simple: Flare led the strike while Dandelion and Yellow finished it. Silver thought of something. Everyone was tensed due to the fact that they only had part of the group.

"Hey guys..." They all turned to him.

"What?" Yellow responded. She was the most tense. Silver grinned.

"If you want to think positive in this fight..." Sun mumbled something under his breath. Red growled, causing everyone to laugh at Sun's confusion. Silver smiled. "Picture this- we're all either unconscious or dead, except Sun..." Sun snarled at that. Everyone chuckled. Silver finished. "And Emerald's the one finishing the fight." Everyone paused. Yellow frowned.

"But that'll never happen..." Realization hit her as soon as Silver raced at the base. "You jerk!" She raced after him. Everyone followed close behind. Flare landed immediately and raced at Witch-hazel, who smiled big.

"Ah, Flare. It's good to see you." Pain raced through him and stumbled. She smiled and raised her hand.


A huge circle of darkness appeared in the sky and raced at Flare. He shut his eyes and waited. Silence. He opened his eyes to see Silver and Dandelion blocking the attack.

"Guys... you didn't-" He was cut off by the two.

"No way! The last time you got hit by this spell, you were disabled, almost dead, and basically nothing. I will not let you get hit by this again. Not with Yellow as she is." Flare bit his lip. Dandelion spoke up before Flare could make a comeback.

"E-even th-though you th-think you c-can handle yours-self, we have a p-plan." The two boys glanced at her, confused. She sighed. "Y-you were b-both p-passed out. R-regardless, Flare, y-you n-need t-to g-get u-up th-there and t-take her o-on. G-get in th-there and b-break the b-barriers." Flare's eyes widened.

"Dandelion... I-i can't do that! She knows how to deal with me! Not only that, but shouldn't Silver do it? He has the blade!" She shook her head.

"D-don't you r-remember th-the l-last c-couple of t-times w-we tr-ried th-that? H-he c-can't k-keep g-going. Y-you h-haven't d-done anyth-thing in th-the f-fights." He clenched his fist.

"Unlike the rest of you, I got the worst of the attack! Like Silver said, I almost died! Please, Dandelion! I can't do this!" He was shaking. Silver glanced at Dandelion before breaking the attack. Dandelion went over to Flare and grabbed his shoulders, causing him to yelp and face her. She looked into his eyes and spoke.

"Flare... y-you are one of th-the s-s-strong-gest p-peop-ple here. D-don't d-deny it. I-i know y-your m-moth-ther, and t-trust me, y-you can m-match th-that s-s-strength-th. Y-you d-do w-what y-you need t-to d-do to f-fight b-back. D-don't g-give up-p y-yet!" She turned to Silver and nodded. The two raced at Witch-hazel. Flare was still trembling. He watched as Silver smashed one of the barriers and then was thrown off to the side. He panicked and looked over at Silver. An angry flare raced through him as he turned to the Witch. A familiar flame appeared in his hand. While everyone was doing their best to get to Silver, Witch-hazel casted.


"Silver!" Everyone screamed as the spell struck. Smoke covered the field. Yellow had a tear running down her cheek. She'd already lost so much to the Witch. Silver had also lost something, his sister was in the attack and had weakened. She couldn't let her experience the same pain like he did. The smoke cleared. Sun smiled. Fire circled Witch-hazel and turned into a column. It then raced out, destroying the barriers. Yellow locked eyes with Dandelion and the two girls shot high into the air. Yellow's blade extended out and Dandelion was surrounded by a dark aura.



Fire and darkness surrounded the Witch in a twister, finishing the fight. When the twister dispersed, the two girls high fived. The others went over to them, smiling. Flare was carrying Silver, who had woken up to see the twister. Yellow immediately went over.

"Are you ok, Silver?" He nodded weakly.

"Yeah... I just need..." He trailed off, falling asleep. Yellow smiled. Dandelion tapped Flare, signing that she could take Silver. He nodded and handed Silver to her. Sun slapped a hand on Flare's shoulder, causing him to yelp.

"I knew I was right. You did great." Flare gave a weak smile.

"Thanks..." Red smiled softly. He then frowned. Shyly placed a hand softly on his back. She quietly sighed as she rubbed his back.

"One down, one to go..." Red nodded. She glanced at him and whispered. "You good?" He shuddered.

"One more battle..." He paused. She turned to see the other group running over to them. He smiled weakly. "One more time she has to fall..." Shyly glanced at him as he frowned. "One more chance she has to kill us..." She brought him into a hug. He blinked.

"But yet we're still breathing!" She let go of Red and looked into the sky. She grinned. Everyone was looking at the two siblings, confused. Red covered his face in embarrassment, causing everyone to laugh. Shyly pointed to the sky. "Just you wait, Kinda! We'll come, and you won't know what hit you!" Yellow smiled.

"Let's do this!"

The Crossing Battlefields (Red X Yellow Fanfic) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang