Chapter 54

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changbin woke up in the middle of the night, hearing something. he glanced up, and the space in felix's bed was empty, he sat up, looking around hearing whimpering and cries.


he hear more quiet sobs as he tried to adjust his eyes to the dark. he got out of bed, turning on a lamp, he saw a small bundle in the corner, shaking.

changbin ran to him kneeling in front of him, he reached out to touch the little bundle, felix whimpered and cried harder.

"d-dont hurt m-me, i-im sorry!"

"why would I hurt you puppy?"

"i want my daddy!"

"i am daddy, angel, come here."

felix sobbed as he peeked up over the blanket, looking at changbin.

"come here kitten, daddy's here."

felix crawled into changbin's arms, sniffling. changbin held him close, kissing his wet cheeks, he scooped the baby up into his arms, cradling him as he carried him back to bed.

"tell me what happened baby."

"i h-had a b-bad dream, m-master c-came back and hu-rted you, and t-taked me away."

"Awh, don't cry my prince, remember what we said, he isn't your master, and he won't come back, do you think daddy would let him come near you?"


"and do you think he would hurt daddy without getting hurt back?"


"then you have nothing to worry about, i won't let anyone hurt you my sweet boy, you know daddy loves you, so nobody can touch you."

felix nodded, sitting on changbin's lap, changbin lay back, felix still on top of him, felix started to suck his thumb, as changbin looked up.

"where's your paci baby boy?"

"i don know."

"we will go shopping for some more things for you tomorrow, like a paci clip so you don't loose it in the night okay angel?"

"okay dada."

changbin felt around, finding the item and bringing it up, felix put it back in his mouth, closing his eyes as he nuzzled into changbin.


felix woke up to the sound of the sink, he rubbed his eyes to see changbin stood in the kitchen area, washing up, he yawned before getting out of bed and waddling over, changbin was worried about felix regressing this deep, knowing it might take a while until he comes out of it, but also so happy, he was so excited that felix was at such a small age, because he got to spend time with his baby and he loved felix watching cartoons and drinking from a sippy cup.

"morning puppy." changbin smiled, drying his hands as felix cuddled up to him.

"i slept good dada."

"good, then you will be awake enough to come shopping with me today."

"mhm, i excited."

"i just asked the group if they would come up so we can discuss something, but it won't take long, okay baby?"


the group got there and felix was curious.

"i was thinking, none of us stay in our assigned rooms, so why don't we all move, jeongin can move into chan's room with woojin, then they can have threesomes every night," changbin said making everyone laugh and the three blush.

"then seungmin won't have jeongin in his room, so hyunjin can move out of ours and in with him, then my room will be free, so felix can move in with me, and with felix gone from here, minho can move in."

"that sounds great!" seungmin smiled.

felix noticed multiple hickeys marking seungmin's neck, and he walked over giggling.

"minnie, what's them?"

seungmin blushed and covered his neck.

"oooh, spill." jisung smirked.

"well," hyunjin grinned putting his hand on seungmin's thigh "i did find out that someone has a thing for ice."

seungmin blushed harder, covering his entire face.

"jinnie!" he whined.

"ice play? huh, i should try that." changbin mumbled, so felix couldn't hear him.

"chan, could you and woojin go and sort that out at the office? im taking lix out to get a few things today."


"wait, there is something we want to talk about." chan piped up, looking nervous, jeongin bit his lip and woojin rubbed the back of his neck.

"what's up?"

"you all have to be open minded, and accepting."

"of course, we support you."

"jeongin, woojin and i, are in a poly relationship."

the group was shocked.


chan nodded, jeongin breathed out and crawled over to climb on woojin's lap, something he hadn't been able to do around the group before.

"so that's what the three way was about."

"you guys are fine with it?"

"yeah of course, that's adorable, but jeongin, seriously though, how's your ass?"

"hyung!" jeongin whined, glaring at hyunjin.

"i don't know why i was worried." chan smiled, running his hand through his hair.

"neither do we, do us a favour, no more secrets."

"agreed, no more secrets."

"so chan, you love woojin?"

chan nodded, smiling at the older, woojin smiled back, his hand running through jeongin's hair.

"so the three of you all love each other equally?"

"thats what a poly relationship is hyung."

"just trying to understand it."

the group stayed and talked a little longer, until they left, changbin looked through the cupboards, finding something for felix to eat, he ended up making him cereal and had him sit on the floor, watching cartoons on his laptop, eating and drinking juice from his cup.

once felix was done, changbin got him dressed, felix wanted changbin to decide what he was going to wear, so he picked a white sweater and blue overalls, helping him get dressed, he thought felix looked so cute in his outfit, they got everything they needed and left the dorms.

"are you going to be good today lix?"

"mhm, i won be naughty."

"good boy, if you are good, maybe you will get a reward."

"a reward?"

"mhm, but only if you're good."

felix smiled, holding changbin's hand as they left campus. changbin knew for a fact that people would stare at felix, and he was protective over felix, but he was going to be even more protective over his little.

they headed to the mall and got in, as felix tugged on changbin's sleeve, a concerned look on his face.


"yes baby?"

"d-do I have to wear any toys this time?"

changbin chuckled and kissed his forehead.

"no puppy, no toys."

felix blushed and smiled as they walked.

PeOpLe WhO tHiNk ThIs BoOk Is GoNnA eNd SoOn - 🤡
seriously though, I had someone say that they assume the book is nearly finished, I was like uhhh, nah..

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