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Error slowly woke up his eyesockets, he looked to the curtains and slowly went down in his comfty bed and stretch his arms and legs.

He yawned and rubbed his his eyesockets.

He looked at the clock and suprised how early he woke up, and thank that it didn't ring, that is really annoying him.

Error always hated mondays.

Beacuse its a sign of the beginning that his legs and arms are not gonna rest in the end of the friday.

He slowly walked at his bathroom and took a bath, and brushed his teeth.

He went back into his room to get changed in his uniform, his uniform is red and grey.

He quickly got changed, to cook his breakfast, which was the most popular breakfast that everyone eats, pancakes that has a sweet aroma and has a choclate syrup, and the other one is bacon and eggs.

He quietly ate his breakfast remembering the good times their family, it all changed when their really dumb enough, and not good at solving their problems so they give it to you.

He sighned not wanting to put up with their shit, as he remembered all the bad things they did to them.

They were the happiest family out there, he always thinks that they will never separate like the teledrama he watch, but boy he was so wrong.

His mother always teach Error how to do house hold chores when he was a little kid, they always chat.

His father picking him up in school.

Eating together like a happy family...

He signed not wanting to remember what every mistake they done to him, it will just give him an head ache, but the surrowful memories keep replaying in his minds, depressed of what they've done.

Her mother always buys expensive wines, always bragging to her friends that she has the most delicious wines she drink, why did that happened, Beacuse of  her stupid friends.

His father quickly noticing his wife's behavior, he always get mad at her, she always spend money on it that his father works, and they are losing money for their savings and rent, so that's how they got a divorce.

When the divorce happened Error has to live with his fatjer, beacuse Error didn't really liked his mother when she's drunk, she will always do something stupid and unreasonable with Error.

He was actually okay with his father, until he met another lover, and became his wife.

She was the nicest second mother he could have ask for, she was always determined to help Error, have a good life, and have a great relationship with her.

She always insisted when Error asked her if its okay to help her with the chores, when there was event in the school, the three of them always participate espicially when its family day.

Everything all changed when his stepmother had a cancer.

She died and completly dead, and there is no getting her back.

His father cried and cried, and always drink alcahol, to forget his problems.

His father got anger issue and was mad at Error at the littlest things he do, and kicked Error out of the house.

Error sighned not wanting to cry and have a mental breakdown.

Did his parents remeber him?

He guessed it that they didn't miss him, but what happens if he saw them again?

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