"I didn't steal anything, " (Y/N) furrowed her brows mindlessly. For a moment she completely forgotten about the blue gumballs.

"Bull shit!" The bluebird suddenly blurted out. (Y/N) cocked her head in disbelief.

"It TALKED!?" She shouted with a crack in her voice, as she shrunk in Walter's grasp.

"I'm not playing with chu girl!"

"Lance calm down, " Walter said in a frustrated tone.

He quickly lifted his hand, making sure his body left no chance for the girl to escape and clicked on his Xray glass near his eye.

"(Y/N) (L/N), you're quite far away from home, " he squinted at her.

"You. . . don't know me, " she said, her eyes never averting from Lance. "Lance Sterling?"

"Walter, i say we should give her a nice and refreshing spritz, " Lance smirked.

"Yep, " Walter said with a pop of his lips. He unclipped his pen from his sleeve and pointed the tip dangerous close to her.

"No please!" She begged as she shrunk more against the wall, the look of fear in her eyes.

Just like before, the pen fizzled and popped and when it hissed the smell of lavender filled her senses.

"Where is the thing that you stole from me?" Walter questioned.

"In my back pocket, " (Y/N) blurted out. She gasped and covered her mouth.

"Okay, " Walter uttered while reaching into her back pocket and grabbing the little net filled with the blue gass balls. He noticed the bag was torn, and he cursed under his breath. He hoped none had fallen out. "Is there anything we should know?"

"I think you're pretty hot. "

"N-no. . ." Walter chuckled dryly as he bit his lip awkwardly. "I mean. Thanks?"

"Walter!" Lance huffed angrily at him. "This is not the time!"

Gunshots fired in the distance again, both him and Lance knew they had to move quickly. Now that they had what they needed this should be easy for them; or for Lance at least.

"Unbird me!" Lance yelled as he flew off of Walter's shoulder.

Walter quickly grabbed one of the blue gass balls and threw it at him, turning him back into his usual self.
Lance fixed himself, he was pleased to know Walter's Tux wear gadget worked again. He doesn't have to change himself every time he debirds.

"Alright, " Lance began. "Meet me near the storage area in ten minutes, i need a few caleidoscopes."

"Wait! Take the scream machine with you as well, " Walter said as he tossed him both gadgets.

Lance nodded and ran off, strapping the gadgets to his back.
Walter let go of the confused girl and took out a small rectangular box. He pressed down on both sides and dropped it to the ground and waited for it to form into a hoverboard.

"Hide where it's safe, " he told the girl as he rode off to elsewhere.

"Wha?..." (Y/N) gasped, astonished and embarrassed. The guy actually spared her, it was true, he didn't have any intention on hurting anyone.

'Pigeon. . .' (Y/N) thought 'he really does have a thing for pigeons. . . Weird'

She reached a hand in her back pocket and pulled out one of the small balls that must've fallen through the tear in the bag. She clasped it in her palm, glaring at the path Lance Sterling took, her plan changed, Brett will be hanging from the wall for a while.


The club had caught up in flames before Lance could even make his entrance. He hurried and searched each private room; seeking for the steel crate before the fire gets to it first.

He heard someone scream for help in another room; the fire screeched and danced from the inside.

Lance sighed, enabling his shielding. He rushed into the room, noticing the familiar pink goo and a scared kid surrounded by flames; he kinda reminded Lance of Walter when they first met.

The boy looked almost frightened to see him and slightly moved away. "Sterling, " he coughed.

Lance grabbed the kid by the back of the shirt and carried him out of the room. "Through the back door, " he pointed, dropping the boy and watching him run.

He continued his search, and low and behold, in the next room he found the steel crate.

"Walter, " he called in.

"Lance! Everything alright? It's so hot, "

"Yea, i found what we're looking for, "

"Awesome. Let me know if you need help, i have a lot of glitter."

Lance chuckled, "alright, you- "

"Lance Sterling, " he heard a voice from behind him, cocking a gun. He put his hands up and turned towards a lady with (H/C) hair.

"Yes?" He questioned. "I'm kinda in the middle of something here, like, not letting the whole city blow up."

"Need assistance?" Walter asked. He must of heard the lady through the bud, he sounded stern.

"Naw, i got this, " Lance uttered.

"Haven't seen you in a while. You're sidekick is quite the hassle," she hissed

Lance heard Walter giggle from the other end to which he rolled his eyes. "Yep, " he said. "He's a special one. . . look lady, you're the least of what I'm worried about right now, please step aside or it's about to get weird."

"Naw, you didn't give my husband a chance, " her face was emotionless as she began shooting at him.

His shield was on so of course he was fine, the only thing he had to worry for was his face; and if she decided to pull out another launcher.

He grabbed a caleidoscope and flashed it towards her face. She dropped the gun and panicked about her broken vision.

"You hunters really get on my nerves, " he said as he kicked the gun away from her.
Thank you for reading! Another chapter will be out shortly after this one! Make sure to vote and comment for more💗💗🙃

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