Scars never heal

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(Patton's point of view)
I had to close my eyes. The pain hurt, more than anything I've ever had to deal with. I wanted to cry out in pain, but I knew I had to do this alone. The screams of terror. My son crying out to me. Deceit looking at me with a painful expression, everything. I opened my eyes to the mind palace again, but that hurt more.
"Patton?" Logan asked. I opened my eyes once again, trying to see him in my blurry vision. I looked at logan, trying to look normal. "Are you okay?" he continued. I closed my eyes once more, before opening them again.
"Yeah." I managed to say. "But i think i'm feeling sick. I'm going to head to my room." I said. I tried to sink down from our meeting point, but i only managed to fall into my room. I layed on my bed, and for the first time since I became patton, i let my memories consume me.
Screams were music to my ears. The pleading that came from the horror I fed on, all of these pathetic sides had one thing uncommon, one mistake shared between the many who had been foolish. They had trusted me. I smiled my evil and twisted smile. Soon, thomas would be mine for the taking. I would rise to the top, rule the world because just like the sides, the others will make the same mistake. Trust. It truly was a funny thing. You couldn't hold it, yet you could use it like a rope, pulling people towards you. Creativity looked at me, his voice gone from screaming to much. His white shirt was ripped and torn, and his sword was being used to hurt him. I smiled at him, my own evil genius smile that would make you take a second look at me.
"Why did you gain our trust for this?" creativity croaked, a hoarse try for freedom. Nearly all the sides had been captured, and people still had no idea who was capturing them, and i couldn't have a peep getting out to them.
"Oh you innocent little thing. I gained trust to take over thomas, and then the world." i said, before thinking of a better punishment then torture. "I hear you have a friend, what his name? Oh right, logan. Go torture him." creativities eyes grew wide, before running to the cell bars.
"He's here? Why would I even think to do such a thing?" he asked angrily.
"Because you won't think." I replied. I opened the cell, walking in before he could get out. I pushed him up onto a wall, and placed my hand onto his head. He looked up at me, and my eyes glowed yellow, my hand releasing a color the same shade. It turned into green, then went to blue, soothing him down. He slumped against the wall, and I released my hand. His eyes glowed a faint yellow before stopping.
"Likeability! I haven't seen you in ages. Want any help with anything?" creativity asked. I smiled smally, a simple gesture.
"Torture logan." I replied, my voice natural, no sense of sarcasm present. Creativity nodded, before running off to torture his best friend. I stood alone in the shadows, smiling. Soon, creativity would realize what he had done.
"Dad?" I heard a gentle voice behind me. I turned around, my son stood there, looking at me in horror. "Why are you doing this?" he asked. His voice was soft, but powerful. His pale skin looked almost ghostly in the dim light. He was the one thing i didn't want to ever hurt, the one person that didn't look at me like everyone else did. Until now, Like everyone else, he looked at me with hatred, disgust and fear. It broke me. I finally realized that I didn't want to be the feared power hungry side with no friends, i wanted to be good, I wanted to have a family. One not knowing what i used to be like. Anxiety seemed to notice the change in my heart, and sat down on the stairs. I walked over to him, a sad and sorry smile gracing my lips.
"I'm so sorry," I managed to say. I knew what I had to do but i wasn't sure i i had enough strength to do it. I let a deep breath out as I felt a bright light emerge from my heart. The bluish white light traveled up my body, until soon i was shining as bright as the stars. I could feel my body split into two, the pain literally tearing me apart. The light threw me and my other half apart, landing on opposite sides of the room. I slowly opened my eyes, I grabbed a piece of broken glass, and looked at myself. I had black glasses, and a grey cardigan was wrapped around my blue shirt. I glanced over at my other half, and saw him wearing a black top hat, and a black capish jacket thing with lines of yellow. He was also wearing yellow gloves. His face looked normal until he turned around. The other half of his face was covered in snake skales. I glanced at our son, who was now scared and confused. I crawled up to him, hugging him tightly. I let him cry until my cardigan was soaked with tears. He pulled away and looked at me, and than the other me.
"Dads?" he asked. I nodded, his other dad doing the same, making his way towards us.
"Hey kiddo. I'm sorry for everything. But I have one more thing i need to do." virgil questioned me with his eyes, and i smiled. I placed my hand on his head, and took a deep breath. The bluish white light sprang from it, and went into the side of his head, coming out again. The light grew into a ball, and kept expanding in size, soon it consumed us, and when it faded, we were in a dark and gloomy street. Virgil sat up and looked at me.
"Who are you?" he asked carefully. I smiled at him. I knew my spell had worked, but it hurts seeing your son not know who you were. I pushed those terrible feelings aside and finally spoke.
"Im morality." I said, trying not to cry. I looked over at the other half of likeability and smiled. Even though he was evil, he smiled back, true and not evil. I knew I couldn't keep virgil, but I needed to know he would be loved. "That's deceit. He's your father. I'm an old friend, we know each other as well as we know ourselves. You have amnesia, but your father will help you remember everything. Your a crossover side, which means you don't have a split personality," I said. I walked away, smiling and winking at deceit, who did the same back at me. I went up some old and creepy black stairs, and opened the door to a world filled with light and color. I found a weird version of creativity. He kept the white shirt, except it was now fitted and was adorned with a red sash. A sword hung from his belt, the one i used to torture him with. The other guy had glasses like me, I never got a good look at logan, but I knew this was him. He had a black button up shit, and was wearing a blue necktie.
"Hi. what's your name? I'm creativity, but my friends call me princey. This is logan, or better known, logic." creativity, or should i say, princey said. I smiled at him.
"Im morality." I forced out.
"Well morality, you'll fit in just fine up here with the light sides." princey said. Even Logan gave an encouraging, but small smile.
It felt good to leave my mess of a past in the shadows. I didn't want my new friends to find out. but fear had struck me. I didn't only split myself up, I also split up others. I, Patton morality Sanders, had just created the Darksides. 

(Next part sneer peek.)
When the past comes out to play
Deceit shows up after loosing his son, Virgil, to the lightsides. He's done lying  for Patton's protection, and he's willing to prove that at all costs.

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