Chapter 1

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I don't really remember how they found me. I remember getting hit a couple times, sure, but I didn't remember passing out or anything. Maybe it was a little harder than I thought. Judging by the way my arms couldn't move and I felt stabbing pains in my side and leg, it had to be. I wonder where they took him. 

When I woke up, I was lying on the hardwood floor in my living room and a couple women in smart looking suits were walking around the house. My long brown hair was spread out on the pillow someone must have placed beneath my head, and my body was alternating patches of tan skin and a murky purple that told me bruising was inevitable. Two men with dark blue jackets and button up shirts leaned over me to adjust something, and I saw a tube that seemed to be trailing away from my face. Maybe that's why every breath I made sounded like thunder in my ears.

My eyes blinked as the world around me seemed to move in slow motion. One of the women, a tall but gentle looking lady with reddish brown hair and bright blue eyes leaned down when she saw me stir. Her face came close to mine, and she slowly stretched a hand up towards my face. I flinched away, closing my eyes and her face seemed to fall. I shook the hair out of my eyes and continued watching her blankly as she smiled; it seemed that was what she had been trying to do.

I wanted to smile back to let her know I was fine, but I couldn't. It just hurt too much.

The men in the jackets lifted me up onto a mat of some kind and carried me out the door. The pain from the movement was immeasurable and I was almost positive I was going to pass out again. I looked up at the room, and then the door, and then the house that had been my childhood home. Memories of swinging on the swing set in the back and hiding in my room from the pain sent tremors through my body. I looked up at the night sky before taking one last look at my house. The lady with the blue eyes smiled softly from the doorway and mouthed "It's going to be okay."

How do you know? I wanted to ask. And even if it was going to get better...

I don't even know what okay looks like anymore.

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A/N: I'm back with a new story! Warning: This story contains abuse and possibly more mature themes than A Day In My Life! The characters are different although you'll find many similarities as I use a lot of my real life in every book I write, and I hope you love it <3

Feel free to comment with ideas or things that you like, so I know what to add in the future, and what I'm doing right! The more votes and comments I get, the faster I will upload although I don't plan on having a set schedule to hold myself to!

The main character Maya is played by Isabella Moner, and the rest of the characters are entirely up to your interpretation although I'll add descriptors. 

And lastly, the next chapters will be much, much longer. This is just a little teaser ;) 

Enjoy! :D

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