Another side

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Antisepticeye sat in the small empty void as he let out a huge sigh, 'M̵͉̒à̵͚n̴̼͛ ̶̩͝i̴͇͊ş̴̋ ̴͚̿J̶͇̈́a̶͚̚c̵͚̒k̴͎͝'̵̳͐s̷̜̏ ̷̧̈́m̶̰͠î̴͜n̷̘̂d̶̦́ ̸̧͊b̴̨͛o̶̓ͅr̷̬̍i̸̹̎n̷͚̆g̵̼̒ ̴̦̚á̸̬s̷̛̝ ̵̣̌f̷̯̏ụ̵̆c̴̦͝k̴͓͑.̵͓̽ '  Anti scoffed looking around for his spare alcohol which was his life right now, drinking until Jack slipped up and let him out for some fun. Getting up he slowly picked up the bottle and looked at it seeing it was still full. Good, there was still some left for next time. Anti spun on his heal only to bump into another figure, darker slimmer and more terrifying than plain old him."Dark! What the fuck?"Anti scoffed rubbing his head as he smirked snapping his fingers, now anti was in some weird suit and had his hair done into a messy man bun. They were in a bar, with another dude, probably another evil persona. "What the fuc-" "Shut up for a minute, care for a few rounds Anti," Dark asked not even bothering to get his answer while ordering 2 rounds for them. Anti glared at him for a minute before lifting the shot glass and downed it in one. Dark did the same while Anti was first to put his glass down first. He could hear the music starting up as he mentally groaned to himself knowing Dark had another deal on his sleeves. Now, everyone knew not to make a deal with the literal devil. "Right here right now," Dark said simply showing a few cards in front of him, "I put the offer out" Next was shown Jack being controlled by Anti. Skeptically Anti furrowed his brows looking to the cards.
"I don't want to chase you down" Dark looked to Anti holding a straight face, which Anti had a small sweat going down his face.
"I know you see it, You run with me" Dark hand his fingers run another the booth, there was something about this deal-making Anti start to question more about this 'deal' "And I can cut you free
Out of the drudgery and walls, you keep in
So trade that typical for something colourful" Popping around him Anti was back in his void, same darkness, same chains, everything the same, and BLAm he was struck with colours, everything was different, he was in the land of the living.
"And if it's crazy, live a little crazy
You can play it sensible, a king of conventional Or you can risk it all and see"
Dark lifted his hand for another round, drinking it down, while Anti looked into the glass seeing Jack dead. Only making Anti look back up to him.
"Don't you wanna get away from the same old part you gotta play
'Cause I got what you need, so come with me and take the ride" Dark had stood Anti up while he was showing him a world of the living, where he could possess the owner of him. "It'll take you to the other side
'Cause you can do like you do
Or you can do like me" Anti tried to reach out for the world only to be faded into the darkness again. And alas he was in a cage making Anti look from side to side from confusion only to see Dark walk back from the darkness smirking
"Stay in the cage, or you'll finally take the key Oh, damn! Suddenly you're free to fly
It'll take you to the other side" Anti was getting closer as he waved his arms around putting the cafe into just one of his illusions. And slowly walked up to Dark looking into his cold dead eyes.
"Okay, my friend, you want to cut me in
Well, I hate to tell you, but it just won't happen"Anti lifted his hands holding his hand out for a shake when Dark dried to reach for it Anti just disappear only to reappear sitting onto the top of a box holding his bottle of Whiskey.
"So thanks, but no I think I'm good to go" His smile turned into a frown while sitting down the whiskey and held his hands between his legs. Only to lift them as if he was the ruler of his Void.
"'Cause I quite enjoy the life you say I'm trapped in. Now I admire you, and that whole show you do." Anti got up and walked to the side of Dark turning him around while keeping a small smirk.
"You're onto something, really it's something, but I live among the swells, and we don't pick up peanut shells
I'll have to leave that up to you" Anti scattered some peanut shells that just randomly appeared while he looked into Dark's eyes again feeling his nose scrunch up."Don't you know that I'm okay with this uptown part I get to play 'Cause I got what I need and I don't want to take the ride" snapping into the others face, he was sure that Dark's deal was a bunch of nonsense?
"I don't need to see the other side. So go and do like you do" His only green up seemed to flare up a little, Dark was now getting under his skin."I'm good to do like me
Ain't in a cage, so I don't need to take the key. Oh, damn! Can't you see I'm doing fine
I don't need to see the other side" Crossing his arms, that part was all a lie, nothing about his lie was fine. It was getting to him, the loneliness and the desire to get back at Jack, Dark could see right through him.
"Now is this really how you like to spend your days? Whiskey and misery, and parties and plays" Holding in his hand was a small scene of Anti drinking and doing nothing other than lying down and looking bored. Which struck Anti hard.
"If I were mixed up with you, I'd be the talk of the town" Shaking his head he too has shown a scene where every one of the sona's of Mark's and Jack's hated them.
"Disgraced and disowned, another one of the clowns" The dark void became dark and darker only to see a dim of light hitting onto  Dark, causing another sweat down his forehead. "But you would finally live a little, finally laugh a little" Dark showed Jack all happy not even remembering about him, making Anti-shrink a little, he was given into the devil's deal.
"Just let me give you the freedom to dream
And it'll wake you up and cure your aching
Take your walls and start 'em breaking
Now that's a deal that seems worth taking
But I guess I'll leave that up to you" Dark turned around having a portal to his realm open up while Anti looked down for a minute before lifting his head, if Dark was going to offer such a high place, he would too get his place.
"Well it's intriguing, but to go would cost me greatly. So what percentage of the show would I be taking?" Anti asked holding a smirk while having little green fires dancing around before he crushed it looking to Dark. Which the demonic demon only grinned more. As he spun around facing in front of Anti with a table for betting. "Fair enough, you'd want a piece of all the action.I'd give you seven, we could shake and make it happen," Dark said holding his hand out, Anti just laughed darkly throwing another bet.
"I wasn't born this morning, eighteen would be just fine," He said in a cheeky grin squinting his eyes to see if Dark would agree.
"Why not just go ahead and ask for nickels on the dime" Dark held his face to a sly smirk, as Anti came up with more deals.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2020 ⏰

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