Flying & Landing

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"Everyone heading to Los Angles please board now, I repeat Los Angles is now boarding." You and Sean looked at one another and smiled widely "Well, that's us" Hand in hand you walked to the lady, she asked our names, plane tickets and told us to walk in. Walking down the boarding thingy. I looked to Sean squeezing his hand, which made him look back at you with a confused look before he knew what you were worried about.
"Oh...your first time flying right," Sean told himself" Nodding your head, this was your first time flying and it was scary! You knew you were safe but like. You were still scared shitless. 
"Don't worry we are sitting with one another so it will be okay, you're safe with me" And he was right, you were safe with Sean. Walking onto the plane you looked around seeing everyone's eyes on you as they looked down doing their things. 
Sean had found your guy's seat and put your bags into the top carrier. Sitting closest to the window you looked to the man in an orange vest and grinned, once you got his attention, the both of you started to play 'Rock, Paper, Scissors' You played 4 rounds, and you won by 3 while he won 1. You put your thumbs up and he did the same. Turning back to Sean you saw he was taking a video making your face turn red. 
"Sean! Stoop" You whined while giving him puppy dog eyes. He only chuckled and patted your head while getting himself into the frame, he turned to the camera and then kissed your cheek making you shaking her head softly laughing.  


Resting my head on Sean's we had just taken off and now we were waiting for a good long time, it was going to take 11-13 hours for us just to get to LA. And I couldn't sit that long, let me tell you that, but now that I am here sitting with Sean I'm sure I can make it that far. Not to be a baby, looking down at my phone I was picking a few songs while Sean was looking through some photos deleting some while keeping others. Now I am not that type of girl to look through other phones, because 1 that's rude, 2, not my style and 3, trust is apart of being with someone. Though the more I looked I can see him deleting all photos of this one girl, not me, someone else. Shaking it off, I knew it must have been his ex. So there was nothing to be afraid of other than her showing up and making a scene. Out of habit, I went to my photos, most of them were Sean and me, kissing,  hugging at date nights, and the beach. Those were one of the happiest times of my life, as I went further into my photos, I had seen this one boy, no. It was not my ex, Sean is my first boyfriend, but that boy was my crush, but he was a good friend to me. We had called a lot on skype and played a few video games, he wasn't from Ireland. He was from LA. Mark or I called him Markarino.  He and I had good memories calling and skyping, one he showed me his new girlfriend I would always support him, but then he just- well he just left. I never heard of him since then, that was roughly 2 years ago, I thought nothing of it since he had a life in LA while I had one in Ireland. Moving passed those photos I had seen Mai and her friends drinking with me taking a few, ah, back in the ol' days of college when all of us graduated.  Memoires of those times always brought a smile to my face. Feeling my eyes growing heavy, I quickly picked a song and started to fall asleep to the sound of the tunes in my head. And Sean's arm had wrapped over my shoulder making me smile as I drifted off more and more. 

I can feel my shoulder being shaken as I took out one earphone and looked around, 
"We are about to land" Sean whispered as I nodded my head looking for his hand, he knew what I was looking for. He reached his hand out for mine and I gladly took it as we heard the lady speak in English than to French, and well we were landing.
And let me tell you my stomach did not enjoy the bumps that the wheels were giving me. I would not lie if I had said I almost threw up. Sean squeezed my hand in his way that was saying it was going to be alright. Sean and I looked around letting the others get off as I got off and stretched,
"Okay, so my friend is here! Well- two of them anyway! One has Red hair the other has blond, easy to find them"  Sean told me, huh red hair and blond? Interesting, I simply nodded before walking out of the plane and looked around, Man! Was this the hugest place everywhere! Look at all of the lights! And planes! And! Oh goodness, this was going to take time to get used to! Walking inside I could see a bunch of people walking around and Sean grabbed my hand and we walked with one another, the more we looked around the more I felt my stomach swirling around. That was when I saw a sign!
 "Welcome to LA Sean & Y/N"
and that who I saw, and I know that I was not crazy, my eyes widened as I let go of Sean's hand and covered my mouth. "Mark?" "Y/N?"  we both said before I ran to his arms and hugged him, Sean looked very confused, "Y/N I really thought you were gone again!" Mark said as he pulled back and looked to me while I furrowed my brows smiling, "Me? What about you! I thought you had left ME!" I shot back it was all jokes, and I knew he was too, "Uh...Do I need some explanation?" Sean asked looking either jealous or worried, I didn't know,
"oh! Sean, Mark and I knew each other from college- well- WE met on skype and became best of friends, well other than him leaving randomly- which Mark you need to explain." Sean's facial expression changed from jealous to relieved. 
"Oh relax you Irish leprechaun, she is a friend, and I would never steal your girl," Mark said putting his hands up as the blond man put his arm around Sean's neck, "Yeah relax Green Pewdiepie!" Sean huffed out, crossing his arms, "I really hate you guys." which made me give him a frown, and Sean was about to lose it. "Not you! Not you Y/n I meant them don't worry" Sean wrapped his arms around me making me hug him back while I smiled looking to the boys, "I know you didn't mean me! Now please who is the blond dude?" I asked tilting my head to the side, "My name is Pewdiepie! or Felix" He said taking out his hand while I shook his hand. "Nice to meet you, I am Y/N or just plain ol' Sean's girlfriend" Felix and Mark grinned while we grabbed our things and walked out to a car, I placed my things into the trunk before getting in the back seat. "Soo...Y/N what have you been up to?" Mark asked while he sat in the drivers seat with Sean sitting beside me. and Felix sat beside Mark.
"Other than doing Sean I would say nothing really than my cafe store" this earned a burst of laughter from Mark and Felix while Sean was beaten red. I leaned against him and patted his head, "We've never had sex!" Sean whispered rather loudly which caused Mark and Felix to laugh more, "I know I was joking!" I said laughing softly, This was going to be really fun few weeks!

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