Off for a walk

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Stairing into the window, everything was dull. The sky was raining and the clouds looked heavy, another day ending the job, I looked around before sighing. Right off to close this store, Placing my hair into a bun, I started to mop the floors, clean the stove, re-ckean the window where the food sits, place the older food from today in a bag and whipped everything from head to toe once more. Grabbing the back, I had left my car home, since I wanted to walk this morning, and it was a bad idea, I forgot it was going to rain today. Sighing I tightened the back full of older food in my bag and started to walk, every day I dropped off 1 to 2 bags of goodies at the homeless shelter, it was apart of my job I liked to do. And I hated waisting food for no reason. It was who I was. Looking around you could see everything from plants to the people inside, it was rather lovely to know how wonderful it was to be living in such a very lovely place, I had to admit I sure did miss my father and there was no lie about it. I only missed watching cartoons late at night and singing and dancing. Though as much as my heart sour from it, I knew it was time to leave, everyone must leave at one point? It was how it is, and I know didn't have to deal with a drunken father, or a mean man I barely knew at times. All I could do was just sit in the same sad room and wait till he was asleep to watch my movies again. Shacking my head I knew that I had to not think bad, I as here and that's all the mattered. With the bags in my hands I walked over to the homless shelter and rang the doorbell, there a nice lady walked out seeing me she smiled warmly looking like she had been waiting for me. "My! Your are one special girl" The lady said. "Just doing my job ma'am" I replied before saying my goodbyes, normally I would've stayed and chatter a little before returning to my cozy home, but Today it was about to rain so I really didn't want to. Throwing on my hood I could feel the rain hit my shoulders, and before you knew it. It was pouring. I didn't mind though, it was nice to have rain for the 6th time this weekened. Yup it had been raining for 5 days straight. The joys of Ireland am I right? Speed walking around a corner, I may have gone a little too fast for my own good. Cause in the end I was falling, though as some clecie movie, someone had grabbed my hand in time. And wouldn't you know it was that man from yesterday. His ocean blue eyes and his soft looking brown hair, I seemed to have been in a daze that his facial expression changed from a normal striaght face to concern. "Are you okay miss?" He asked while here I was melting getting my potion back to normal I gave a small smile and laughed softly, "Oh yes. just trippin and fallin' everywhere," I replied back seeing him let go of my hand, and in honesty as every irish girl or anyone would say they were sad. And- yeah they are all right, I was a little disspointed, due to the fact, everyone of my employees knew I liked this 'Prince Charming' well- not, like like, just a silly cafe crush. You could say. "Ah, of course and harder and I am sure you would've flown to the moon" His voice had lightly came into a joking matter. "Mm, im sure of it" yes, I was now becoming nervous. Why? I had no answers for you, "Say, wheres your umbrella?" He asked tilting his head to the side, while I looked to theside seeing, indeed he had one, in green. Nice color. "U-Uh, oh yes, um heh- I don't own one" I admitted scratching the back of my neck, Oh wasn't this just great here I was now saying I didn't own an umbrella in the land of the wet. "Well, aren't ye an intresting lassie!" His laugh was so uplifting and made me smile, soon enough he handed me his umbrella looking like if I hadn't taken it he would've been offended. "I- thank you kind sir" taking the umbrella and placed it over my head. "Say, don't you need it?" I asked with a conern look, "Nah, I got to go here anyways, I m getting my hair done" looking over his shoulder, in deed we were at the saloon. "huh, well what if the rain ruins it?" Now I was getting nervous if I was being to noisy or annoying. "I'm sure it-" Yeah no. "Nice try mister blue ocean man. I will personlly wait outside till you are done and walk you home" I said sternly, 'good luck mister' Yes, It would have taken a lot of convicing to change my mind. He looked at me for a moment, and you could see that he knew he had no chance of winning. "Fine, only this once" but in reality it seemed like he was reilved to know his hair wouldn't get ruined, men now in days. He soon opened the door letting me in first, I thanked him and walked in soon shiver, holy was it good to feel warmth, I was super enbarssed from how soaked I was compaired to mister over here who was dry as a bone. "Oh sean! You are here for your appointment yes?" The lady asked with a smile, making you raise a brow, so he was regular. How much did this man spend on his hair? She turned to me, and oh my god I felt the tension rise in her eyes. "Come in! We will get you started" Well, I sat myself as they did there thing. Pulling my phone a different lady came up to me, and as strange as it may seem, something about this one was..well- different. I couldn't re-call who she was but I knew her, and I just knew it. But where? "Excuse me-" I looked up with my green eyes and could see her's the same color as mine soften almost change from worried to happiness. Pure happiness. "Y/N?" She breathlessly called out, making me start to think harder, who was she and how did she know my name? "Y-yes?" ANd before you knew it, she threw her arms over me. Now I liked hugs, it was nice. But I really didn't know what to do. "Oh my goodness! I thought I would never see you again! After your father had snagged you away from me and John I was so worried that my baby girl was gone forever" The lady- who maybe was my...mother? I was shocked, she pulled back, and wouldn't you know I looked like her, she had the same features as me- well- I was the mini version of her. But in any case I stood up and opened my sweater pulling out an outdated photo, there the lady was holding a small baby boy with brown hair and a little girl with an old dress holding onto the ladies hand. In all this excitment I felt my whole world become in a daze. "M-mom?" I stuttered out, this cant be real, I mean I knew my mother was somewhere but I always told myself she moved and wasn't here. "I am right here" Her voice cracked up, of course tears where in her eyes. With her arms open, she looked like she had been waiting for years to see me, and I was a full grown women. Running to her arms, all the pain, stress and dreams were all in one place. "I thought I would never see you again! I- dad said you moved and-" Soon enough I was a crying mess, I mean who wouldn't be? I had found my mother, and maybe I could see my baby brother- he might have not been a baby but still! "Me too...shh little one I am here now" After some time we had cought up, I learned that John was now 16, earning his dagree, and had a lovely girlfriend. She learned that I had own my own store and selled coffe to others, and how I was still the same girl who loved cartoons, all the old faision movies and songs. It was a magical bliss to me. In the end we were like teenagers just gossiping. She finally got hints that the person who was getting his hair done was my crush, and of course I was embarrsed about it. And she only laughed lightly, while she was here. She had told me about another man she had been married for 5 years after she had left my father. And I had a step sister, and another brother. She was 7 and my step brother was 5. Which was amazing to konw! It was now around 2 hours later when this sean guy had walked out with this green hair, it looked good, it really did. But I was going to miss seeing his soft brown hair, "Just dont get it wet!~" The other lady said, god for some odd reason I was not going to like her one bit. I said goodbye to my mom, and promised to catch up more, and at last the two of use walked out as I undid the umbrella and held it between us. Now I was around 4 feet smaller then Sean over here. you could see the laughter in his eyes. While he softly grabbed the embrella. And Now heres the cheesy part. His hand was over mine, while I pulled it back and said sorries while he looked flustered as well. Looking down to the ground, there was this peaceful silince between us, like we had known eachother for a while now. "I like your knew hair mister" I said softly, hearing him laugh a little, "Just call me Sean or Jack," He said looking back to me, and I looked at him for a minute before forcing my eyes to the ground. "Alright, Mister Sean- Im kiddin- uh, I am Y/n or N/N either way works" Now I had told him my name, so we both knew each other. While walking we talked about our hobbbies and pur dreams. I learned he was a youtuber playing games for the internet. And he learned that I was a Disney loving gal. Somehow it seemed like a perfect bliss to me. How our dreams were the same, and how we almost knew eachother from another time. It was very cheesy, almost Disney cheesy. Almost not quite it. Stopping at my house, I said my goodbyes and he said his. I soon knew he was on my street, cause one house down was his. And now, this was a Disney Moive. Walking in a shut the door and sank down to the ground smiling like a fool. I found my mother, and a was with a youtube male. It was a perfect day.

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