years later...meeting him

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It has been 3 years now, since you left you were now 20. You returned the truck like you promised. But your dad disowned you because you had a dream, a big and new dream, it hurt a little but but you could care less, you lived in a stable house, a good job and started to attened collage. Life was great, you became smart in math and yet an amazing artist. Y/n worked in her own buisness as a Cafe store. Her job was amazing and it was almost old fasioned which everyone that have ever walked in loved, it was old yet up to sytle with everyone. Cleaning off a cup once filled with beer, y/n looked to the fancy tv she just instulled yesterday with the other tv next to her on the ther side. One for sports and one for the news, with the both muted. While playing some old fasion tunes from the late 60's 70's 80's and 90's. It was all so perfect. Turning her back, she smelled her freshly baked cinnimon buns sing to her as she walked over throwing on the oven gloves and pulled them out. As of now she had just opened her store an hour ago, and everyone hade waited for her goods to come out. Once glazing her seceret glaze over the buns, she sprinkled some spring like sprinkles she placed them near the window to cool down, while her line grew a litle more.

Turning her back for a mintue she looked over to the buns seeing that only 3 were left. She smiled warmly and felt happy to know everyone loved her homemade cinnimon buns. "Hi welcome to y/n's cafe!" She replied sweetly turning her head around seeing. A new face, a little small bread trying to grow yet still a baby face, deep ocean blue eyes and soft brown looking hair. This made y/n thump out of her chest, yes she had seen a lot of irish men from the town. But he was different! She swear that was the case. Blinking she came to reality seeing him smile widely, "Oi! Hello! I would like one of those tasty cinniom buns, and..a large black homemade coffee!" The irishmen replied tapping his finger to his chin. Nodding you look down to your little screen touched menue and came down to the price, "Yes of course, do you have a collage or highschool card?" Y/n asked kindly seeing the man blink before he gave a nod, as if he just figured out what she was talking about. Looking to it she brought down the price that was once at $3.55 now rounded down to $2.10, she only had this offer for Collage stundets, highschool stundets and seniors. Honesly she was fair with her job which made her very populare in her job growing, right now she had 2 employees. One for cleaning the dishes and one for lobby, as she was the baker and coffee maker, yes she made her own coffee, gaining the money she was given $20 bucks more then he needed to give her. Handing him the chnge back he simply placed his has up and grinned. "Keep the tip, it seems like you are doing amazing er" He said kindly making the female blink a few times before looking down blushing softly, it wasn't that he was fucking handsome it was becuase she hated when others gave her more then what she needed. With a shy thank you. You turned on your heal getting the bun, and poured the steaming hot coffee into a cute little mug. Handing it right back to him you smiled a little and handed him the fancy plate and cozy looking mug. He said his thanks and you said yours.

Sighing softly, you melted down to the ground seeing one of your employees come back with a tray filled with plates, mugs and cups. She turned to you and grinned. "What's up lassie? Cat caught your tongue?" Ah, Eliza, fine lassie she was. Very hard working and an amazing worker. Very up lifting and joyful person to have. Slowly getting to her feet, the Eliza grabbed your arm and pulled you to the back room, "What he say to you?" SHe asked with a sly grin, making you blink before glaring. "Nothing! He just have me a tip" y/n mumbled fiddling with her hair, which meant to both her emoloyees that it was more then that to her. "Oh is this your prince charming?" Her second employee Caleb asked mockingly yet with a look that meant he was right anyways. Grumbling Y/n shook her head, "No! no- maybe okay maybe but its a fairytale dreams okay moving on" She sneered out walking back to the front counter cleaning off the counter tops for the 4th time. She saw an elderly gentlemeen walk up to her with an empty cup, making her grin and stop wha she was was doing before grabbing the coffee pot and bring it back to her, "Black? As always?" She said pouring it to his glass and seen him chuckle, "As always my dear" He replied taking the glass before sitting down with the other elder men, Robbert, was like her old man, but better, very sweet man. She enjoyed his silly jokes and stories of world war 2 when he was a kid. Walking back to put the pot away, y/n looked to the one who came early to work, Caleb. Of couese he had showed up early for work, like always. "Caleb clock out, and sleep, for god's sake, I don't want my job to be the reason for your lack of learning!" She called out, seeing Caleb having everything on, his hat sweater and neckles. "You don't have to ask me twice! See ya tomorrow y/n!" Caleb waved, while y/n grinned a little rolling her eyes. "Dont make me force you to sleep!" She called out before whiping her hands on her little aprin. "Alright, its just you and me Eliza" You said in a cheerful singing tone as you can see someone looking towards you, and from the the corner of your eyes you see, the tip man, he looked liked he enjoyed your friendship with the staff, to be fair they were young teens but they were almost like your annoying kids. Which reminded you, Eliza was heading home for the month for her fathers death, which meant this was her last shift with you until 2 months from now. "Alright, Elia we need to make a cute little sign for emplyees!" Y/n said softly nodding, as Eliza rolled her eyes, "Okay mum, what do you want me to do?" She asled placing her hands on her hips, "Just make the letters even while I paint!" And with the the two got to work. Once done, she whiped the front of her forhead having a bit of paint on her nose. Seeing the man  near the casheir, you got up and headed over to the machine and smiled warmly, "Amything I could get you?" She asked not knowing about the paint, "Hi, agaib. er heh- I would like to have an apply here"

Rewrite the Stars[JSE x  Female Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora