The start of the lonely lady

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You sat in your chair, reading the only book you hae read for the 16th thousand times, yes you knew every word by memory and learned to use words from this book. But you enjoyed it, in fact you liked re-reading and re-imagining the world of a different place, a new one. Finishing the last 2 senteces, you just closed the book and exhaled a large sigh, it was quiet lonley and all you had were your thoughts to keep yourself not so lonely, well not that loenly anyways. Sitting up from the chair you brushed out the hair in your face and walked around, the cottaged was spotless, everything was clean, and tidy. Nothing out of place and nothing seemed to be messy, since all you did was clean, clean and re-clean everything, other then bake from what you have left of the small crops and little flour, it was fall time, the time to get everything in stocked, cut down the small crops and make sure you are ready for winter. With the oak trees changing colours, red, orange, yellow and brown. Each colour made the woods very pretty and alive. With the old pine trees, some were a dark blue others were a dark green. And you loved everything about it.

Tapping your foot to the ground, your (e/c) had glanced around the area around you, there was an old record player, with a smile, you simply walked over to the record player putting on your favourite tunes, some were the irish drunken songs, some were the beatles, and even Queen, other then the cheap chritsmas songs, you loved them all, remembering everything. Not to mention the Beach Boys, yes you loved them two, it was the only thing you could ever really listen to, nothing gotten old from the 70's 80's and 90's, all were close to your heart. In fact you danced to a lot of them, and you were really good at it to! Tap Dancing, Line Dancing, Classical Dancing, or those fancy ball dances you seen on the black and white screen you owned. Well, you and your father owned. Simply you watched every night, one of those old movies, and on Thursdays you watched the ones where no one talks yet do silly things. It was hilarous and very entertaining. And when your father went out to go get some more sugar or other rather good things, you begged your father to bring back some of the classical walt dinsney, and he did! Your favourite was The Little Mermaid, and Cinderella, though you had almost all of the classical movies, when it came to comics you loved the marvels, and super heros. Spiderman was one of them. Enough of your old fasions life-style. You gotten up and hummed your way to the your bedroom.

Flopping your back onto the old bed of yours you staired up to the ceiling, that you painted with a city, or what you remembered it as. You were talented at painting, drawing and writing. You were not the math type, but more of the artistic type. Inhaling deeply you loved your home and all the good memories of it, but you deisired more then that, you wanted to be free from the old run-down house you happened to try and fix all the time. Yes the trees smelt fresh and amazing. It wasn't enough, you were not satisifed with it, you had everything, from your old movies, to your songs to the books. Getting up you looked to your window, the old beat up truck was gone, meant your father was still out, and it was a quoter pasted 12 pm. Not bad, but you were getting bored. So pulling out your sketch book, you truned to the back side of a picture of your mother and brother, well what left you remembered of. Humming softly you doodled yet again another city, filled with people, lights an cars, like the ones in the moives, the really pretty females with the bright lipstick, which you had guest was red. Or the gentlemen that looked handsome in their suies. After you had sectked out the final art work, you staried at it a little and wondered if you would ever be one of the females in those pictures. It made your lips tug into a small smile. breathing out you closed your eyes laying your hand onto your side near your face still holding onto the sketch pad while your other hand was over your head, small tears pricking your soft (e/c) eyes. "I wish I can be a city girl" You mumbled softly to yourself.

That's when it struck you! You can be a city girl! All you had to do was run away! Simple and fast! Snapping up you smiled wide, and hopped off your bed. Thats what you were going to do tonight, you were going to find a new life out of the woods! You were going to live the life of a city folk. You were going to learn, and start knew, and do whatever a normal girl would do. Getting out your small suitcase, you thrown in your hand made dresses, well the ones from the older days, very old yet classy, and thrown some basic needs, like your art supilies, more clothes you made out of old bed sheets. And more art. Some books and spare shoes in case your boots had worn out. With the thumping of your heart you couldn't help but feel happy. You were old enough to leave, and you knew it. You were almost 18, and ment you needed to live your life as a real girl, not a hunter and a woodlin like girl. No no, you must have the tast of city in your lungs. She wanted to be apart of the other world, zipping up her suitcase she shoved it under her bed. Looking out the window, she was just in time for her father to come home. At this point it was 4 o'clock. Which surpised you in fact you were not expecting to be thinking and packing so late. Well in any cayse you hopped out and looked as normal ad you could, bored yet a little cheerful.

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