297 13 71

for 1njune ☆☆

chinese new year

nervously fiddling with the cord of his bright yellow hoodie, sicheng straightens his posture before slouching a little again, afraid to look too stuck up.

it feels weird being out of his house in sweats, but mark had insisted on making this casual – how about we skip the awkward phase where we still pretend we're not gross college students, he'd said. let's just be comfortable.

when he told ten, the thai gave him a judgemental look. "sicheng," he'd started and shook his head in what seemed to be pity. "sichengie. you're probably the least gross college student i've ever met."

sicheng still agreed to it. maybe it could be nice – mark being comfortable would make him feel at ease.

they've met through hendery, the black haired having invited a couple friends to watch one of his short films.

it'd been a nice evening, sicheng spending most of the night with ten, before the younger ditched him for the man of the hour, him and hendery disappearing to what sicheng assumed was the younger's room.

he'd sighed, turning to the kitchen counter, where beers and champagne were unceremoniously placed, meeting mark's eyes for the first time.

he wore a pair of black dress pants and a tight-fitted plum colored cotton shirt, pale arms covered in tattoos, fingers shiny with rings.

(ten had gasped later that night, when sicheng told him he'd chatted with mark lee.

"sexy goth man mark lee? that mark lee? sicheng!")

sexy god man mark lee came over to him, giving him a coquettish grin.

"i'm assuming you've just been ditched, too, mh?" he nodded his head in the direction to where ten and hendery just disappeared to and sicheng bit his lip to hide his smile.

mark had looked around the room and sicheng had taken his time to study his face. there'd been a slight shadow on his chin and his dark eyes are lined with kohl. he wore his black hair short, messily styled up with gel and there was a silver piercing going through his nose bridge. his lower lip had disappeared between his teeth. then he'd looked back.

sicheng hadn't been embarrassed. he'd never been to deny looking at a pretty face and mark definitely was pretty, so he just smiled back.

"you wanna leave?"

("what the fuck?" ten screeched and sicheng had chewed on his nails, in thought.)

mark enters the diner, the entry bell chiming and lighting a fire in sicheng's guts. he's rarely ever this nervous before dates, mainly because he doesn't crush on his dates before he gets to know them better.

with mark – well, it's a little different.

all they'd shared were a few tipsy kisses in hendery's bathroom, giggling into each other's mouths and mark messing  sicheng's hair up with how much he'd gripped it.

but still

it'd kinda done something to sicheng.

"hey," mark rasps, smile big and inviting. he's ditched the makeup and all his tattoos are hidden under his comfortable-looking purple hoodie. (mark likes purple, sicheng notes.)

his bridge piercing shines a little in the warm orange light of the diner and sicheng retorts the greeting the moment the younger slides into the booth.

"you look nice," mark chuckles, giving sicheng an obvious once-over. the older feels himself blush, immediately cursing himself.

sicheng smiles. "so do you. it's great to see you."

maybe that's too much. sure, mark had been the one asking for a date, but still. sicheng's certain he likes mark more than he should and perhaps it isn't a good idea to scare the other off like that.

but, mark's smile remains, turning a little softer. "i have to admit, i'm a little nervous. i'm lacking the liquid courage this time, if you know what i mean."

he awkwardly scratches his left ear and if sicheng didn't know better, he'd say there's a blush tinting his cheeks.

"i think i was worse before you arrived," sicheng answers, casually opening the menu in front of him, scanning through it as through he hadn't done that the entire twenty minutes he'd waited. (sicheng has a tendency to be extremely on time. ten thinks it's annoying.)

when he looks up, mark's eyes are piercing through his face, the younger quickly looking down. now is face is most definitely burning up and sicheng feels like in an alternate universe.

does he fluster the black-haired? he makes sure to remember this to tell it all to ten later.

sicheng straightens his back again, this time out of confidence. "i think i'll take the avocado sandwich."

mark scrunches his face up in disgust. "i will have you informed that people who like avocado are revolting," he says and sicheng laughs.

"so you find me revolting? that's interesting."

mark's blush deepens and sicheng's confidence grows. "n- no. i mean. ugh."

they order their food and chat about nothing and everything, mark making sicheng laugh so hard that his stomach muscles pull painfully.

"by the way," he starts and mark looks up from the concrete as they wall through the park, the younger's cheeks and nose red from the cold. sicheng points down to his clothes, jackey open over his hoodie. "i liked that."

mark grins, sliding one arm around sicheng's and shortly pressing his forehead against the older's shoulder. "i had fun. i'm really comfortable with you. also, you're really cute in yellow."

sicheng feels giddy, but he conceals it with a bright smile.

they don't kiss that day, but it's only their first date anyway.

i get so confused with the tenses all the time im so sorry (im german btw) i hope u liked it!!! tysm 4 requesting <3<3<3

also unedited so sorry for typos :>

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