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kun thinks he might love sicheng on a wednesday.

they're casual; have been since the beginning, they met through a dating app during the time kun felt really desperate.

it's not something for forever. sicheng's wonderful and sweet, even though he doesn't want to hold kun's hand in public and rarely initiates kisses.

it's not something for forever – in the beginning.

things change. sicheng interlocks their pinkies when they go out to eat. fists into kun's sweater to pull him in for a kiss.

and kun

kun might love him. he really could, he thinks. he only checks yangyang's travel blog every other day and even then it's more out of appreciation for the younger's beautiful photographs and his witty commentaries below them.

maybe kun doesn't miss him anymore. at least not like that. not the way he used to.

yangyang texts him now and then to tell him about what crazy situation he and the boys got into again. it's nice. kun feels like he can breathe normally again.

maybe he's become his own sun. or maybe. maybe sicheng is his new sun.

smiling, he closes his laptop and takes a sip of his cinnamon tea. it's a nice day. the snow has begun to finally melt and veilchen, his cat, rakes herself in the sun beams warming his living room floor.

kun doesn't expect his door bell to ring. he checks himself in the hallway mirror shortly, carding a hand through his black hair, pushing his silver glasses a little higher on his nose.

yangyang's face appears between the giant bouquet and the first thing kun does is shut the door again.

when he opens it, the younger's smile is a little softer. "hi, stranger."

kun thinks he might love sicheng on a wednesday. yangyang comes back on thursday.

"jun and hendery wanted to go home but i told the cab driver to go straight to your place," yangyang hums into the cup of tea kun just made him, the flowers he brought already sitting atop the kitchen table.

he looks handsome, chestnut colored hair poking out from under his beanie and features a little less round than he last time they saw each other. one year ago. kun swallows, trying his best to ignore his erratic heartbeat.

"are you-" he begins, already scared of whatever answer he might receive. "are you going to stay?"

yangyang's smile is a little pained and kun has to look away. hi, stranger he'd said and strangers they'd become.

"dunno. maybe. a while." then, he grins. "why, are you tired of me already?"

hurriedly, the older shakes his head before realizing that that's not how they act around each other. they make jokes. tease each other.

he clears his throat and yangyang's smile drops.

kun watches the younger put down his tea, strolling around the room a bit, fingers gliding over all the things he hadn't touched in forever.

"can i ask you something?"

kun jumps a little at the unexpected question. he nods. yangyang walks over to the fridge, softly caressing the edge of the only picture hanging on it – a polaroid of sicheng, veilchen sitting on his lap, a big smile on his face.

yangyang turns to him, something that, if kun hadn't known better, could be considered as yearning in his eyes.

"he's good to you, right? treats you well."

"of course," kun says. he never even bothered to tell the younger that he and sicheng had gotten serious. "he's the best."

yangyang's smile brightens a little, but he still looks unhappy with something.

"call me, okay?" he speaks once he steps out kun's apartment. it's darker now and the street lamps have been turned on. kun nods, smiling softly.

"promise me? i'll wait for you. your call, i mean. i'll wait for it."

with that, yangyang quickly walks away, not looking back. kun stares at his footprints for a moment.

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