488 19 14

bluer than blue

kun has no say in this and if he had, he wouldn't ask him to stay.

yangyang isn't made for a town like this. heck, no place in the world would be enough for him, meaning it's perfect he's planning on staying nowhere for longer than two weeks.

kun knows he's being selfish – it's selfish to be sad, to wish something would change. to wish that yangyang wouldn't have met his new friends. his other friends.

they used to be more like brothers, but then kun went to australia for a year and when he came back, everything was different.

the first thing that changed was that dejun existed. kun knew him from church when they both sang in the choir. but dejun didn't truly exist before he became a planet in yangyang's solar system, at least not to kun.

("he's so smart, gege! it's like there's a whole library in his head or something. or like he's dumbledore," yangyang had said and the quality of his webcam made his voice all fuzzy.

kun knew him. kun saw right through the childlike admiration. and he knew it was gross to be jealous of that, but he knows that's how the younger used to speak about him.)

yangyang's crush on dejun passed within a month.

("he's like an old man. kind of like you, now that i think about it. how's your back going, by the way." and he'd laughed and kun had felt better.)

guanheng made things even more difficult. he was tall, handsome and, for some reason, the funniest guy yangyang had ever met in his life.

it made kun feel even older and he wished more than ever to go back to how things were before he left.

but, one thing led to another and one night, yangyang called crying.

("they're dating. and i'm left alone. again."

kun winced, holding up his hand but taking it down once he realized he couldn't reach him through the screen. "is that how you really feel? like i've left you alone?"

yangyang had sniffed. "maybe.")

and then kun came back and things were different.

now it's yangyang that's leaving. he's 19 and has his entire life in front of him.

kun shouldn't be sad. he should be happy for his best friend. be grateful for knowing him, for having been given so many lovely memories.


he wants him to stay.

dont go|
dont g|
dont for|
dont forget to pack ur inhaler

thanks old man

what would i do without you

kun sighs, putting down his phone. he'll be honest when the other comes back. for the sake of him.

his phone beeps.

im gonna miss you

i wish youd come with us

i cant

love you


me too

yeah, kun thinks. he can wait.

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