Kylo Redeemed

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She was made of magic, that only I could see.

– Atticus

The eternal evil was stirring again in the Galaxy. Never completely and utterly destroyed, it rose again in the form a new entity called First Order. As Galaxy became awash with former soldiers and weapons, the leader of First Order was quick to saw discord among the populations, In the wake of the fall of the Galactic Empire, the new government decided that the Galaxy is now at peace and do, the military units were disbanded. As anarchy spread, the Empire remnants reorganized themselves into First Order. Under the leadership of a mysterious being named Snoke, the militaristic First Order decisively grabbed power. The Galaxy had a new overlord.

The legends of these turbulent times tell a story of two people - a prince who fell under the spell of an evil wizard and became powerful First Order warlord Kylo Ren and scavenger girl by the name of Rey who became a great shieldmaiden and . broke the spell by the power of love. The warlord was smitten by love at first sight, yet, he did not realize that. Without pity he stamped out all forms of resistance to First Order. Obedient to his leader, he did not hesitate to raze entire villages killing women and children. "Burn it all, Captain Phasma. You know what to do," he ordered his stormtroops. And Rey, to him Rey was just a rebel, the kind that he would destroy without much thinking. And still...

"Rey," he would whisper in his dreams, her image seared into his mind

"Rey, come to me. I need you."

When they met in the forest of Starkiller base, he could not fight off her furious attacks because he was in love. When she was captured and brought before Supreme Leader Snoke, he could not kill her. Instead, he killed Snoke because he was in love. When the truth came out in a final conflict with Palpatine, he renounced the evil of Kylo Ren and joined Rey in fighting the Evil as Ben Solo because he was in love. Rey watched him fade, disappear into somewhere she couldn't reach. His last breath was given to her mouth... his last heartbeat pumped in her chest. She had hated the cruel warlord... wanted to hate the man in the mask who chased her across the galaxy. She had felt compassion for the boy with so many hidden scars... she was in love with man BEHIND mask. He was her enemy... he became her friend. Kylo Ren... Ben Solo..

He sacrificed himself to revive Rey who had fallen in a battle with the eternal evil, he sacrificed himself to make sure that his love can live.

Kylo Redeemed(Reylo)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz