The acorn sniffed.

"I-I don't think... I know how."

"Hey! You have me now! And Ev? I've only known you for... three hours now? And seriously. you're cooler than a vintage cassette! You just gotta realize it!"

      Evan let out a giggle, and flushed a tiny bit. 

"Ev?" he replied. 

      It was Michael's turn to blush now, and he quickly tried to shrug it off. 

"I-it's just a nickname. I won't call you that, if you don't want-" 

"N-no! I like it!" Evan interrupted, the dark hue on his cheeks getting brighter. 

"O-oh! Good," Michael smiled with a slight laugh. "So. Do you want to get to know each other...? Y'know, like buddies do?" 

      Evan shrugged, and nodded. 

"Alright! So uh... tell me about yourself," he chuckled unsurely.

       Evan hummed thoughtfully, and looked off to the side.

"Well... I-I like writing a bit. A-and singing but I'm not very good," he rambled quietly beginning to pick at his cast. "Oh! And I really like trees!"

      Michael raised an arched brow with a slight giggle. 

"I'm sure you're great at singing, Ev. I like singing too! But its really just when I'm alone. And well isn't that ironic. Why... trees?"

      Evan's eyes lit up, and cleared his throat. 

"Why not trees? They're incredible, and they help us breathe! Not to mention how gorgeous they are!" 

      Michael smiled at the acorn's enthusiasm, taking note on his love for nature.

"B-but... what about you, Michael?"

      The slushie boi shrugged, and that's when Evan noticed the headphones around his neck. 

"What kind of music do you listen to?"

      Michael instantly beamed.

"I listen to some musicals! Like Hamilton, Heathers, Beetlejuice. Oh! And a bit of Book of Mormon. But my favorite singer has to be Bob Marley."

"Bob Marley?" Evan giggled. "A-and I listen to those musicals too! I haven't listened to Beetlejuice yet, but I've been meaning to."

"Oh shut up," Michael scoffed teasingly. "And you haven't listened to Beetlejuice?! Okay, Next time we see each other, I'm playing you the whole soundtrack."

      Evan laughed with a nod. 

"B-but you didn't answer my question from before."

"Oh! Right. Well... I like video games. Mostly retro ones, though. I like retro anything, really. Retro soft-drinks, retro games- oh! There's this retro skating ring that I have to take you to sometime!"

"U-uh... I'm kind of a clutz, M-M-Micha."

      Said boy's eyes practically turned into hearts at the nickname, ruffling Evan's hair. 

"It's hard to believe you don't have any friends, y'know."

"Well... I have one," Evan shrugged. "B-but we're just 'family friends.' The same g-goes for you too, really. Don't you have friends?"

"Oh, I have one. Or... had one? It's complicated. There's this best friend of mine who's been ignoring me."

      Evan looked at Michael sadly.

"I'm sorry. That's awful."

"Eh," Michael shrugged. "I have you now! It's no big deal."

"Aw. That's sweet. H-hey! What's the story behind your sweatshirt?" Evan asked.

       Michael looked down at the article of clothing with a very visible smile dancing across his lips.

"This old thing? I've had it for about... two years now? It's covered in patches that represent a memory of mine, what I like, or who I am."

"A-and... the gay pride flag?"

      Michael grimace.

"O-oh... I have two moms and uh... I'm gay."

       There was only one thing Michael was thinking at that point; please don't be homophobic please don't be homophobic-

"Cool! I-I'm uh... I'm p-pan!"
(Yes I'm making him pan. We need more pan representation if I'm being honest-)

      Michael's eyes widened, and he smiled. 

"W-wait really? That's awesome!"

      Just then Heidi walked in, and grinned. 

"Alright Evan. You ready to head home?"

      Evan looked at Michael nervously, and the slushie boi nodded back encouragingly. 

"He's ready. But uh... Ms.- Heidi. Can we have just another 30 seconds alone?"

"Of course! I'll be in the waiting room!" and with a nod, she leaves.

"I need your help Michael. I don't want to talk to her alone," Evan sniffs. 

"Hey, hey. I'm still here! And besides, it's a Wednesday! I'll see you tomorrow. And I'll sit by you at lunch, and show you the Beetlejuice soundtrack! Oh! Do you have a phone? So you can text or call me whenever you need?"

      Evan nodded.

"I left it at home, but if you give me your number I'll text you."

      Michael smiled, helped the acorn stand up, and walked over to a table in a corner of the room. There was a pad of sticky notes along with pens. And a Sharpie. He grabbed the permanent marker, uncapping it and writing his number. He tore the sticky note off the pad, handing it to Evan. 

"There. And seriously. Feel free to message me or call me whenever Ev."

      Michael looked down at Evan's cast, then to the Sharpie, then meeting the acorn's green eyes. 

"Can I... sign it?"

      Evan beamed and nodded, holding his arm out. Michael took it gently, causing Evan to blush lightly, and he wrote his name in big bold letters. 

"So everyone knows we're friends."

      The tree boi's eyes watered, and he did something that surprised the both of them. He pulled Michael into a hug. He wrapped his arms around Michael's neck, resting his cast on his shoulder. He had to stand on his toes a bit though, because he's a smol bean. The slushie boi wrapped his arms around waist, a dorky smile on his face. 

"Thank you," he whispered, pulling away.

"You don't have to thank me, Ev," Michael muttered while walking out the door. 

"I'll see you tomorrow."

1898 words

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