Ch.4 Tattoo Boy

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The next day when I woke up I laid in bed not really sure of what to do today. So I got up & went downstairs to see if there was any more pizza in the fridge, but there wasn't. So I took a shower, put a bit of mousse in my hair & got dressed for the day. I put on a red crop top with a yin yang symbol on it & some black shorts with my black and purple converse. By the time I had gotten completely ready I was fucking starving! So I walked out onto the porch & stood in the hot ass sun for a minute just enjoying the warmth of it on my skin. Then I walked a ways down the sidewalk and saw the boardwalk of Coney Island. As I walked down the boardwalk not only was I looking for a place to eat but I was also looking for help wanted signs or something like that. But as I walked past a bar that had a sign that said "closed until 4:00" I saw a hiring sign a went over to look in because the door was open. Once I looked in I saw a large shirtless man behind the counter cleaning off the bar & younger guy who looked about my age sweeping. So I walked in and the shirtless man said "Hey can't you read? The sign says closed till 4:00." At first I thought maybe I shouldn't bother him but then decided it didn't matter if he was annoyed by me, "Oh yeah I saw it, I also saw the hiring sign. I'm new around here & kinda need a job and I'm a great waitress!" The shirtless dude looked at me & cocked his head sideways a little. Then the younger guy came over looked me up and down & said "What's your name?" "Luna, Luna Wollen. What's yours?" The boy had black shaggy hair and green gray eyes, & he was taller than me by a foot, but the best part was he was covered in tattoos. "My names' Leo, and this is my Dads bar." He gestured to the shirtless man & he saluted in a joking way then winked at me. I chuckled and said "Well I'd really live to work here you guys seem like cool dudes to me." They both laughed & the older man said "Your hired Ms. Luna! By the way my names' David Both, but my friends call me Davie! Congratulations on being a waitress at the Anchor." Davie seemed like a really nice guy i was excited to work for him. Leo also seemed nice, but he seemed a little curious about me too. Which was a good thing because I have to admit the moment I saw him sweeping, (arm muscles flexing due to his tank top) I knew I was gonna want to get to know this guy For some reason I felt a little tug in my stomach when he spoke to me... Speaking of stomachs, "Do either of you guys know where I can get some breakfast? I'm starving and like I said I just got here literally yesterday so I may need a little help finding my way around." Leo was quick to say "Yeah I know a few good places to eat around here why don't you let me take you? Think of me as your personal guide for Coney Island." He winked, "Sounds like a good deal to me at least i'll know some people now" Now I think I was a little too excited about this breakfast.

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