Ch.3 Wall Maps

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Once the cab driver dropped me off at the house i immediately went in & started analyzing what needed fixing & what just needed to be cleaned. Seeing as how all of the furniture & basically all the fucking belongings of Preemie & his wife Birdie were still in the house, i just started uncovering things & looking around at were i wanted my room to be. When I started i was just looking for the biggest room of the house but then i found my Moms old room & i knew it was hers. It was so colorful that I thought i would go blind. There was rainbow color wallpaper lined up in every different direction, & the ceiling had a sky and clouds painted on it, but my favorite thing about the room was the big bay window overlooking the garden in the backyard. Sure it was over-run by weeds & vines but it could be easily fixed. After i placed my things on the empty mattress i decided to just go & explore some of the house & then get some pizza maybe. When I went into the living room i saw that there was a poster hanging on the wall framed. Is It Human? is what it said & on it were pictures of a lot of, well... Freaks. Basically sideshow workers. Birdie is in the poster dressed as half bird half human. That was her sideshow act, & according to the papers i read she was amazeballs at what she did! Her bird costumes were pear shaped, all different colors, & super sparkly!!! After I saw the poster i realized i better get to work cleaning up all this beautiful crap. So i put on my light green overall shorts & my lavender sports bra with daisies on it & started looking for a phone book. When I walked into the kitchen my black cat Lovely was sitting on the counter waiting on me & i could tell she was hungry too. So i went back upstairs & got a little cat food i brought & fed her. Then on my way back to the kitchen as i was walking through the hall i saw the phone book & ordered some Domino's cheese pizza. Then i went up to my room & started unpacking what few things i had. First i hung up my 7 shirts & 9 pairs of pants including 1 mini-skirt. Then i pulled out 2 beanies, my undies, & a few pj's & put them in the drawers in the corner. Then i decided to move the bed to new spot in the room & when I started scooting the bed away from the wall i saw that were the bed was there wasn't any wallpaper & it looked like there was some kind of drawing underneath all of the wallpaper. So i started pulling it off & the wallpaper came off in clean strips & one by one i pulled off all of the wallpaper in the room. Once i was done i saw one of the most beautiful things that I had ever laid my eyes on. It was a full blown doodled map of all of Coney Island. Even a few things that weren't there anymore like the Elephant Hotel, The Human Roulette Wheel, & Trip to the Moon. There were also many things that I had no clue what they were. Such as some thing called a Bathysphere, 10,000 Leagues, & some place called Mancuso's. The map only covered 1 wall but all the rest were black & white doodles of mermaids & a few other random drawings. As I was taking in all of it there was a knock on the door so i ran down to pay for my pizza. Once i got to the door i opened & realized that i didn't have exact change i told the guy "Sorry I'm missing a dime or two, i'll be right back." He was obviously dumb struck by me & said "Oh its cool i'll take what you have it doesn't matter." Seeing as how he was trying to be smooth i said "Ok thanks your a real big help!" wanting him to believe he scored i blew him a kiss & closed the door. I ate my pizza & cleaned a little bit more by the time i had cleaned up most of the downstairs i was really bored & tired. So i decided to just take a shower & watch a movie or something. The whole time i was in the shower i just couldn't get my mind off of the wall map. There was something interesting about it, something i just couldn't put my finger on.

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