Ch.5 Coney Tours

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We headed back out onto the boardwalk together & Leo looked at me and said "So where are you from? Tell me about yourself? Well if you don't mind." he grinned. "No I don't mind" I laughed "Well um both my parents died when I was 4 & since then I've been moved around from foster home to foster home & then just a few months ago I got a letter in the mail saying I was this guys heir. Of course I had no clue who he was but then I found out he was my Moms dad. Preemie Porcelli was my grandfather & he left me everything he owned. So I moved here & moved into the house after I just turned 18 a month and a half ago and I got to Coney Island yesterday afternoon." At first he just looked at me dumbfounded then said "So your the grandchild of Preemie!? What was your Moms name?" "August Porcelli, why?" Leo stopped walking "You have to come with me now! My mom is gonna flip!! Wow she's gonna love the crap out of you Luna!!!" "What the hell are you talking about Leo?" He looked so excited, like a little kid on Christmas or something, he started walking faster so I followed and finally asked "Where are you taking me?" he turned around quickly walking backwards and said with a grin "Mancuso's, we're going to Mancuso's." I just shook my head and followed him, we turned a corner were the boardwalk ended & walked down a short street then I saw a large 3 story restaurant with a giant mermaid painted on the side with a big lit up sign that said Mancuso's in gold lettering. We went inside and the first thing I saw was maroon velvet, everywhere! "Holy shit dude this place is ridiculously fancy! Who even owns it?" "My mom does" he said "she's owned Mancuso's since she was like 22 or something." Then we went up a short spiralling staircase and I saw one the coolest things any restaurant has ever had... There was a tank that took up a whole wall & there were women swimming in there, with mermaid tails and bikini tops. Mermaids, these women were mermaids for a living!

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