Ch.6 My Personal Mom Book

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I was amazed when I saw those "mermaids" in the tanks. It completely made my fucking day. "Does your Mom employ these women to be mermaids for her?!" "Yeah absolutely my mom loves mermaids! In fact she goes in the tanks herself sometimes if she feels like it." When we got done staring at the mermaids we walked over to a circular booth & there sat a woman who looked almost exactly like Leo. Black hair, tattoos, tall, and she even had a lopsided grin. "Hey Mom!" He said, she looked up surprised & smiled "Hi hun! Whose your pretty friend?" she laughed. "I'm Alice, Leo's mom incase you didn't catch that." "Mom this is Luna, Luna Wollen. She's Preemie's granddaughter." She sat there & just stared for a moment and then she slowly got up & walked over to me and with tears in her eyes looked me up & down. "Oh my god, you look just like her." "I look just like who?" I asked "August, you look just like August. She's your mother, right? And Freddie he's your dad?" I was shocked but at the same time almost not shocked at the fact that she knew my parents. I had only assumed when I got the house that my mom had lived here too, but I hadn't been positive until now. "Yeah, how'd you know that?" suddenly a few things were piecing together in my mind. "August was my best friend in the whole universe. I knew Freddie well too & I visited Preemie often even after your Mom and Freddie left." This was amazing, only 2 days here and already I was meeting family friends. "Oh god I don't really know what to say... I didn't really know my parents all that well. Is there anything important you think i should know about them?" She paused and smiled then said "Your parents were really in love Luna, and they were really meant for each other. Some higher power brought them together. That I know for sure, because they were both sideshow workers & both grew up around that sort of scene. In other words they were freaks, but they were the best kind!" "My parents were sideshow workers? I never knew that, what did they do in the sideshows?". She paused and then looked a bit confused "Do you remember what they looked like Luna? I mean just by looking at them I'm sure you could tell what they might have done." I became a bit quiet for a moment but then spoke up, "No I only had 3 pictures of them after they died & all of them got lost or taken by my foster homes. All I remember was, my dad built roller coasters & my mom painted them and picked out the colors. They were both big adrenaline junkies, my mom had tattoos and my dad had gages & tattoos both. Thats really all." Then I thought a second longer and remembered, "Oh! and my mom always told me she loved mermaids because she was one..." then I looked around and thought of something. "Did she work here? As a mermaid I mean?" "Yeah she & I were partners, we owned this restaurant together. We also worked in the tanks together, but that's probably not why she told you she was a mermaid sweetie. That's what she was in the sideshows as well! I remember it like it was yesterday, she could hold her breath for 4 to 5 minutes, she could do all kinds of underwater tricks & her hair was always a big convincer because she kept it incredibly long all the time, and it was so curly just like yours! She was one of the best "mermaids" I had ever seen." I just stood there shocked & grinning. I was ridiculously excited that I was finding out all these things about my parents so soon after arriving. Suddenly I remembered I was starving "Do you think we could continue this over breakfast? cuz I haven't had any yet & that was kinda the whole reason I'm with Leo right now because he told me he would take me to get something to eat and then show me around." "Oh yeah I totally forgot about that Lu sorry! But yeah mom she's like fucking starving." Leo looked at me a bit embarrassed about forgetting our plan. "Leo! Watch the language! You know I don't like the fuck word!" then they both started laughing, "I'm joking by the way Luna I curse like a sailor so I don't mind if you do it. But anyways about the breakfast. Come with me and we can all have breakfast on the house!" We walked back to the circular booth and sat down while Alice got a waitress to take our orders, she sat down and I asked "So do you basically just know everything there is to know about my family?" She kinda giggled and said "Yeah almost everything! Just think of me as your own personal Mom book." Leo laughed and looked at me from across the table and winked, I blushed, normally guys don't make me do that sort of thing but when Leo does it I feel special, like maybe he doesn't do that to all the girls. I could be wrong about that but I'm sorta hoping that I'm not.

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