Ch.2 Preemie's Heirs

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My grandfather, Preemie they called him. Why? might you ask? Well, its because when he was born he was premature & some doctors who were doing an experiment on Coney Island needed preemie babies to see if incubators helped keep them alive after their premature births. A few days after this experiment started, the building that held the babies, caught fire & my grandfather was the only one saved. So the name Preemie just sort of stuck, or at least that's what the guy who held the keys to the house told me. When I walked into the house i could tell it was going to be very odd living here. Especially considering the fact that the first thing i see when i walk into the 2 story wood house is a gorgeous carousel horse chained to the radiator with a huge chain & padlock. This horse is white with a fiery red & orange mane & has a dark purple saddle, bridle, & hooves. Then i see sitting under the mantle by the fireplace, a statue of a 2 headed squirrel. Now i know for sure this is going to be a whole new kind of adventure. I just turned 18 half a month ago & that's when I received the will. It was obviously a huge surprise to me to receive his will seeing as how i didn't really know him at all. But because I was legally aloud to live by myself now i figured, why not move in? So i left the current foster house i was at in Seattle & took all the money i had, all my belongings, & my black cat Lovely and came here to Coney Island. Honestly I'm like really excited to learn things about my family. I will have to go to school on the island because i still have my senior year to do. School will be starting in 2 weeks so i have that much time to get at least half way settled & to hopefully find a job. Its a lot to do, i know. The job thing probably won't be so hard considering what an amazeballs waitress i am. Plus not to brag but I'm not exactly the ugliest crayon in the box. I have bright red curly hair (yes it's dyed), green eyes, long eyelashes, really long legs ( I'm 5.7), skinny ( but i eat like a 16 year old boy), C-cup boobs, & a small but perky ass. But the one thing that makes it hard to get certain jobs are my tattoos. I have 7 tattoos so far. One on my right thigh, 4 spread out in a line along my collar bone, one on my hand between my thumb & index finger, & my favorite "Opal" it's the name of my very 1st tattoo. My 1st tattoo i ever got is the beautiful faceless mermaid on my right shoulder blade. She has long wavy brown hair & a lavender (that fades to blue) tail. I love mermaids, because my mother always told me she was one. Not literally of course but she loved them & so do i.

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