Ch.1 The Boardwalk

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As I walked down the boardwalk for the very first time in my life i could feel a change in the Coney Island air. It was different here than other places i had been. And whoa had i been to a lot of fuckin places! Luna August Wollen is my name, & both my parents are dead. However just recently i figured out that my parents both grew up living on Coney Island, with their sideshow working parents. My mom
August Porcelli lived here until she married a certain man by the name of Freddie Wollen. My parents died when I was 4 years old ,in a freak bungee jumping accident. The rope just snapped the doctors' said, they said afterwards my parents just fell into the rocky ocean below them & the sharp jagged rocks were to strong for their fragile bones & they just cracked and broke all over. The internal bleeding was too serious for the doctors to fix. By the time the ambulance had gotten there they had mostly bled out into the salty Atlantic Ocean, their blood mixing in with the all the waves & whirlpools in the unsettled ocean. I was 6 years old when they died. So i really didnt know much about them & i can only remember that my Dad built roller coasters for a living & my mom always picked out the colors. So how did i get to Coney Island? Well i have mostly just been fostered around for a while after my parents died because my case workers could never find my moms parents (dads' died, both from cancer) but just now i was sent the last will & testament of Preemie Porcelli. My grandfather. Apparently i was his only heir besides my mom & i inherited everything. Including a house on Coney Island.

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