Chapter 4 : Rich girl

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Ishi skips class for the rest of the day, from the events that happened today, has put him in a bad mood and was hanging around behind the school, near a forested area where he meets one of his dearest friend.

"Hey there buddy. Sorry kept you waiting."

Out from the bushes came out a stray black and white dog wagging its tail as it approached the young teen. It barks happily comes in for a petting. He takes from his back pocket a piece of bread he saved from lunch and gives it to the dog. It sniffed it for a bit before happily eating it from his hands as he placed the rest of it on the ground and hungrily eats it all up.

"Good boy." Ishi gently pets the dog as it barks at him happily wagging its tail. As he relaxes with his furry companion, his phone buzzed loudly, startling the dog. 

"Shh. Its ok buddy." He calms it and looks at his phone to see Momo messaged him.

"Speak of the devil. Sigh. See ya later buddy, I have a pain in the ass to look after. I'll see you tomorrow." He pets it one last time before leaving to see his blackmailer.


"Where have you been! You're late! Do you know how long I've been waiting??!!!" Complained Momo loudly at the front of the classroom where he met her.

"Jeez can you get any louder" Ishi trying to deal with her loud whining.

"Oh excuse me??? Is that any way to talk to your mistress, you wouldn't want me spewing about your--"

With that he quickly covers her mouth before she could say another word. The other students start to give looks at Ishi and Momo seeing those two interacting together.

"Orite, orite sorry mistress, lets go already ok, we're making a scene" as he starts to feel uncomfortable with the stares from the students as he quickly drags Momo away to someplace private.

"Hey, what are you doing!"

"What does it look like? Escorting you."

Momo frees herself from Ishi large hands. And looks at him rather annoyed.

"Ugh, not like this! Your supposed to daintily wait for me at the classroom as I order you to follow me home!"

"Well this bodyguard doesn't do that so you either take it or leave it."

"Fine! Be like that! You really want people to know about your secret the way you're acting!"

Ishi getting really annoyed at her and feels like wanting to strike, but kicks the trash can nearby instead.

"You're unbelievable! Really treating people like this as you please!" Ishi spats back.

"Well I'm not a delinquent causing problems for people!"

"I don't cause problems for people as long they stay out of my way! You go out of your way and try to make other people lives miserable, why do you need me for a bodyguard anyway!?" He questions her.

Momo hears this and her expression changes from a surprised to an annoyed look, crosses her arms and looks away ignoring Ishi's question.

"Let's just go ok. I'll forgive you this one time for treating your mistress like this. Next time I won't be so forgiving hmph!"

Momo starts to walk towards the direction to her home without glancing at Ishi, and shows a motion with her hand telling him to follow. Ishi, annoyed she ignored his question, trudges along behind her. 

He follows her to an unfamiliar part of the city he never ventured before, and looks around the houses looks of very high society, a place he was very unfamiliar with. They walked for a bit until they reached a gated home, with tall golden gates and an intercom at the side of the gate. He could see a large mansion beyond the gates amazed at the unfamiliar architecture. They stop.

"Ok you can leave now. Make sure be back here to escort me to school tomorrow."

"You live here??!!" surprised, this was Momo's house.

"Yes, is there a problem?" She looks at him with a raised eyebrow.

"No..I didn't know you were loaded." As he looks at the golden gates.

"Well, I'm not surprised, as a commoner such as yourself would have ever seen such high society." She scoffs.

"What?" Feeling she was rather looking down at him, referring him as commoner.

"Well see you tomorrow."

"Hey wait—"

She quickly goes in and the gate closes before Ishi can utter anymore words to her. He stands in front of the gate having quite a shock and confusion to what is going on. The girl was rich and from high society, why has she chosen him to be her bodyguard. He leaves wondering what lies ahead in his life with this girl. 

End of Chapter 4

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