Chapter 6 : Friends?

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He couldn't believe what he had to deal with sometimes with that rich snob nose girl every day, today being one of the worst day, not only what happened this morning put him in a bad mood, his teacher yelled at him for being late, despite coming early, and the other students being the usual nuisance to him, but another thing was added to his long list of unfortunate things, his breast were particularly tender today.

"Ugh aren't I haven't a great day today..." grunting and clenching his sore breast as he walked in the empty hallway.

"Dammit, I left those cold packs at home!" Ishi left them as one his denial of needing them, and just out of his forgetfulness of all the things that happened to him in these past few days. He tries to ignore the tenderness from his puffy nipples for the rest of the day, but the pain was getting unbearably uncomfortable, spiking pain radiating from his soft chest. He had no other choice but to find some sort relief for his pain while still in school.

"Maybe I can find some things around the school to make my own cold packs, dammit my doctor not here, if she was, I could've got some from her." He mumbles under his breath. "Aaargh! screw class this is hurting too much!" he said to himself, sitting quite uncomfortably at the back of the class, gets up immediately and begins to leave.

"Ishikawa-san Where do you think you're going?!" yelled his fourth period teacher. Mr. Nozumi. An old man that resembled a compressed toad. With his big eyes, bald head, and constantly gaping mouth.

"Leaving, what does it look like?"

"Class has not yet ended!"

"Like I give a shit!"

"If you leave I will make sure for you to have detention today!" he snaps.

"Sure, if you can catch me!" With that Ishi leaves, knowing well Mr, Nozomi wouldn't even attempt such a strenuous activity with his stubby legs. Mr. Nozomi, looks as Ishi leaves and grunts, knowing well he would not be able to catch the young delinquent, he scribbles a note in his record book, which he knows does absolutely nothing to stop Ishi from his unruliness to him, and goes back to teaching.

"Gotta find something, gotta find something," as he ran the hallways looking for material. He went all around the school, the gym, lab, and activity room for some sort of bag he maybe can put ice in to make ice packs with, but where on earth would he even get ice from he thought to himself. It then hit him "the cafeteria! There is bound to be some sort of ice there." With the discovery, he quickly runs towards the cafeteria.

The cafeteria was still filled with people despite lunch being done a while ago, the workers were cleaning up and ready to close the place for the day. Ishi had to think of way to get past the workers unnoticed to search for the items he needs to make his cold pack. He saw some of the workers uniform were hung by the corner of the door, swiftly took the outfit to disguise himself as he goes into the cafeteria.

*Short chapter today, but will update when the mood comes for it lol.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Oct 13, 2021 ⏰

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A Delinquent's Peach Blossoms (updated)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon