41 || A Different Kind of Sunday Brunch

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Ginny sat in a booth inside the cafe while she waited for Hermione to join her. Harry was out of town for the weekend so she decided to bring Teddy to her weekly brunch with Hermione. Teddy himself sat opposite her claiming, 'he was Aunt Hermione's favorite nephew so he had to sit by her to make her happy.' Where he came up with an idea like that baffled her a little. Maybe Harry was filling the child's head with such ideas of favoritism?

"When is she coming?" Teddy had crumpled up his napkin and was sliding it around the table like a ball. "She's late." He pouted.

"She isn't late, we're just early." She picked up the napkin ball and gently tossed it at his forehead. "Stop your belly-aching. She'll be here. She also said she was bringing you a surprise." Ginny wiggled her eyebrows playfully. Maybe it was Hermione telling the boy he was her favorite?

As if on cue, the door to the cafe opened, and Hermione walked through. Ginny had to keep her jaw from dropping when the door remained open for a second individual.

"Auntie 'Mio-" Teddy's sharp inhale quickly turned into, "Uncle Draco!!!!" Jumping down from the booth, he ran and wrapped his arms around the legs of a very uncomfortable Draco Malfoy. Instantly, the boy's hair turned blond and he grinned up at Hermione. "Is this the surprise? Is Uncle Draco the gift you promised me?"

Draco turned an accusatory eye her way. "You're gifting me to a child?"

She merely shrugged a shoulder in response and walked over to Ginny. "Hey, Gin." Nodding towards Draco, who was having difficulty walking with Teddy latched onto his legs, she gave a half grin. "Hope you don't mind. I figured he could entertain Teddy while we talked today."

"Good plan. Teddy's been a little difficult to keep focused as of late."

Hermione began sliding into the seat across from Ginny when Teddy released Draco and tugged on her sleeve. "That's Uncle Draco's seat. You can sit by mama."

"Teddy, you were just saying that Aunt Hermione would be sitting by you." Ginny scolded the child mildly.

"Aunt 'Mione, I know I'm your favorite nephew and you want to sit by me but," He grabbed Draco's hand and pulled. "I'm also Uncle Draco's favorite nephew and I don't get to see him as often." He nodded somberly. "I should sit by him today." Maybe Teddy was filling his own head with thoughts of favoritism? After a moment of resistance, Draco finally consented and allowed himself to be pulled down next to the boy.

"You'll have to get used to him eventually. Word has it, you're going to be around for a while. Also, aren't you technically his cousin in some form?" Ginny eyed him before turning her gaze toward Hermione. "How are things going with, you know?" Her head tilted toward Draco.

"I'm right here." His shoulder was yanked downward as Teddy latched himself back onto Draco's arm.

"Teddy, show Uncle Draco that thing you can do with your nose." Hermione turned to face Ginny and shrugged. "Pretty great actually. This feels more right than Ron and I ever did. We felt forced, this feels..." She smiled at Draco. "natural. Easy as breathing."

Ginny pressed her lips together to keep from smiling. "That's wonderful." Ignoring everything she didn't like about Draco, she knew that he was good for Hermione. They balanced each other out. He was truly her intellectual equal in a way Ron never could be and as much as it pained Ginny to admit, she was actually starting to like the guy, if only for Hermione's sake. And though she pretended not to care, she actually loved how much Teddy adored him and how good he was with the boy. He was also respectful of her family which was a stark contrast to how he acted in school. Her whole family had begun liking him; especially her mother. "Mum was really worried while you were in the hospital. Not just about you, about Draco as well." She admitted. "I think she knew how good he was when he came to Christmas dinner. She has a way of seeing the good in people. Not imaginary good. She truly can see what good there is in a person. Did he tell you how much she fussed over him?"

"He didn't." When she glanced his way his cheeks were slightly pink and he had become very focused on a scratch in the table.

Ginny gave a half smile. "She knitted him another sweater. I think she feels a kinship with Draco." Her words were directed toward him. "Losing a loved one, and the fear of losing someone dear."

The three sat in silence reflecting on the words Ginny had said. Draco had been terrified he'd lose Hermione. He couldn't stand the thought of it. When he'd become uncomfortable with the silence, he cleared his throat. "Where's Potter?"

"Yes, how long will Harry be gone?" Hermione quipped.

"Just through tomorrow. Nothing big. They just wanted a little extra help." She picked up her tea and sipped it lightly. "Don't change the subject." She arched an eyebrow. "Are you both coming to dinner tonight?"

"Now who's changing the subject?" Hermione rolled her eyes. "Yes, we are."

Ginny shook her head. "No, the subject is still on you and Draco." Her mother had insisted Draco and Hermione join them for dinner as soon as she found out about the two. She'd nagged Ginny for weeks and finally, both of them had work off and could attend. "Mum will be thrilled. She likes Draco, for some odd reason."

"I'm a likable guy." He huffed while Teddy tossed a napkin over his head. "And I can still hear you two."

"Never said you couldn't." Ginny smirked. "Nice hat." She'd never admit it, but he was growing on her.

Hermione stifled a giggle as Teddy preceded to climb onto Draco's lap and don a similar 'hat'. "We'll be there. Uncle Draco can sit next to Teddy."

"Ah, doesn't Teddy sit at the kid's table?" Draco shook his head. "I believe that 'Uncle Draco' is an adult." He refused to be completely humiliated at the dinner that evening.

"That's fine, you'll be sitting next to Ron." Ginny shrugged.

"The kid's table sounds wonderful. Right between Teddy and Victoire." He took his cup from Teddy, who was using it as a spyglass, and turned it right-side-up on the table. "Can we order or are we going to sit and talk instead?" When Hermione reached out and took his hand in response, he gently squeezed her fingers. What was it she had said? Completely natural and easy as breathing.

Sorry I've been MIA for a couple of months! This semester is a beast but I wanted to post one chapter before my life becomes a living hell. My next update won't be till April when finals have finished but after that I'll be a bit more regular in updates!

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