17|| A Shift

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Draco and Hermione quickly fell into a regular pattern. After work they'd eat dinner, either together or alone depending on if Blaise was with Luna or not, they would then go for a walk, Hermione claimed this was good for their health, and then they'd return to one or the other's flat or a nearby cafe for tea before retiring to their respective homes. Sometimes they'd fall asleep at her house, sometimes at his, occasionally they'd both actually make it home before sleep caught up with them. Tonight was a rather familiar occurrence though something seemed different. She'd felt it all evening, a shift in their relationship, but wasn't sure what it meant. Dinner was strained. Draco was more distant than usual. Talking was difficult. The silence was even worse. Hermione knew something was off but she couldn't figure it out.

The evening began as usual with a walk through the park. Normally, Draco would offer his elbow for her to hold but tonight he offered his hand. At first she didn't think much of it, but then she noticed other pairs of people holding hands and talking with their heads bent together. She ignored how her heart skipped a beat when she threaded her fingers through his. She and Draco were just friends, that was all. If she told herself that enough times, maybe it would ring true.

They walked in silence for most of the evening, both them them trying to ignore the tightness in their chests. Hermione had tried to talk to him but Draco's tight lipped responses made any conversation die rather quickly.

Draco was antsy. He kept his mouth shut for fear of saying something that would mess this up. He'd promised The Director that he wouldn't do anything but she was making it increasingly difficult. Every smile she gave made his heart skip. Even the way she brushed her hair out of her face was almost too much. He'd fallen so hard there was no way he was picking himself back up. Somehow she had wormed her way between his bones and penetrated his very essence, clouding his mind and ensnaring his senses. Normally, Draco would fight against any emotions he had for anyone but he knew there was no fighting this. He had two options now. He could either let this continue to consume him till all he could breathe was her; or, he could leave. Run as far as possible and never look back. Hide from her. Hide from everything about her that made his heart race.

Draco was caught in his thoughts until he noticed her shivering. "Your hands are freezing." Taking both her hands in his, and removing the gloves, he began rubbing them together. He bent his head low and blew hot air onto her fingers in hopes of defrosting them. What an idiot he was. There was no running from this.


The two broke apart quickly when Ginny's voice rang out. She was walking through the park with Harry and Ron. Harry and Ginny were watching them with guarded expressions. Ron looked as though his head might explode.

"Him?" Ron's voice was shaking. "You left me for him?" His fists balled in anger by his sides.

Hermione raised her chin in defiance. "I didn't leave you. You're the one who wanted to break up, and it was mutual. We both knew it was ending."

"But the Ferret?" Ron took a step forward when his sister's hand caught his arm.

"Ron." Ginny warned.

Hermione glared at him. "Stop calling him that!" She snapped.

"He's a Death Eater!"

"Don't you dare call him that either." Her voice was eerily calm. Hermione's own fists had curled until a warm hand clasped onto her shoulder.

Draco had remained silent as the two were arguing, figuring that she didn't need him to defend her, but stepped in when he noticed the change in her voice. His eyes were fixed on Harry who had also chosen not to speak. "Come on, 'Mione, let's go."

"'Mione?" Ron scoffed. "I thought you had better taste in men."

"Clearly, she does." Draco's gaze hardened as he glared at Ron. "We're just friends so get off your high horse. Even if we were more than that, her relationships no longer concern you."

"How could she be friends with filth like you?" Ron growled.

Mustering what calmness he could, for Hermione's sake, he snarled. "Call it a pity case if that makes you sleep better."

"Draco, I'd never." Hermione placed a hand on his arm as he gave her a tight lipped smile.

"Ron, we should go." Harry had stepped forward and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Now."

The red-head threw off his friend's hand and stalked down the path.

"We'll still see you at Christmas, right?" At Hermione's confirmation, Ginny relaxed. "Good. It was good to see you, 'Mione." Ginny glanced up at Draco. "Malfoy." Harry narrowed his eyes at Draco before Ginny grabbed his arm and the two quietly followed after Ron.

When they had left she turned to him and exhaled slowly. "Thanks for letting me borrow your gloves again. I really should just keep a pair at your house with my other clothes." She gratefully told him.

He blinked, startled by her sudden change in demeanor but he went along with it and snickered. "See that you do that. You want to stop in and grab a cuppa?" He jerked his head towards the nearest cafe.

Hermione stopped walking, considering. She could say yes. It was early enough that they could walk into the open shop, grab a cup, and talk a bit before heading to their respective flats. Or, she could take a chance and see what this shift really meant. She turned to face him. "I have tea at my flat."

He rocked back on his heels, surprised. "Okay." He agreed after studying her for a beat.

What a mistake that was.


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He chuckled bitterly. "I deserve this. The one relationship in my life that is functional and strong,"


"and I ruin it."

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