36|| In Trouble 2.0

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The apartment was quiet. Far quieter than it had been in months. Blaise was busy in the meeting with The Minister, so Draco had the flat to himself. It was something he had always wanted but, now that he had, felt a little lonelier than he had anticipated. Settling into his chair, he watched the branches of a tree blow gently in the breeze. Winter had passed and spring was fully upon them.

It had taken a while but The Cure had been developed and he had stopped visiting the hospital. He didn't want to be there when Hermione woke up. He didn't want to start back up where they left off, fighting about their relationship. What it was and never would become. What he wanted but she never would be ready-

"My, my, my. You're rather dramatic. Do you know that?" The voice floated from behind him.

As he turned, the owner of the voice smiled. She pushed her black hair away from her face and walked to the side of his chair. "Hello, Draco."

"Inaya, snooping in my thoughts again? How'd you get in?"

"You haven't replaced the wards yet." She sat on the arm of his chair and tilted her head to the side. "I've just come to say goodbye. I'm going to visit Healer Granger before I return to France." Her lashes brushed her cheeks as she looked down at him. "You're in pain."

"Stop. Just stop." His lip curled. "You have no right."

"You're right. I don't. Sometimes it's a curse. I can't help but hear things." Tapping the side of her head, she shifted so she was kneeling in front of him. "This pain will consume you." The corners of her mouth twitched as she looked up at him. "Remember when we had finished dinner before The Conference? Healer Granger was contemplating dumping my body in the sea or a trash bin in a dark alleyway. I might not know much about Healer Granger but I believe that if some begins to determine the best way to murder someone because they flirted a bit with another person, that usually means they're far from indifferent."

"It's not a matter of her indifference." As her fingers wrapped around his he sharply pulled his hand away from her grasp. "She's stated that she thinks she wants something more but then she keeps saying 'just friends'."

"You know she doesn't want to be 'just friends'. You have to get through this before it destroys you." Her eyes widened. "And before your father gets released." She gently touched Draco's arm. "You're not going to like what's coming through your door, but you should listen to it because if you don't, the person who would speak with you next is someone you really don't like." Inaya rose and ran her hand over his shoulder as she walked towards the door. "I'll see you around, Draco." Turning the knob, she flung open the door to reveal a startled, red headed witch. "Mrs. Weasley, Draco's expecting you." The three studied each other before Inaya finally broke the silence. "Well, I'm off. Have fun chatting." Throwing a wink towards Draco, she strode out of the flat.

"Draco." Mrs. Weasley bustled over to him and threw her arms around his shoulders. "It's been too long. How are you?"

Bewilderment crossed his face as Mrs. Weasley's arms wrapped around him and held him tightly. "Fine, I'm fine."

She released him and shook her head. "No, you're not. Hermione woke up." She set her bag down on the floor and sat on the couch. "What happened in France?"

Draco lifted his chin and turned away from her. "Absolutely nothing happened. Would you like a cup of tea?" He walked into the kitchen and filled the tea kettle with water before placing it on the stove.

"'Where's Draco?'"

"Excuse me?"

Mrs. Weasley slowly rose from the couch and walked towards him. "You're the first person she asked about when she woke up and the last thing she said before she passed out again. Draco," She took his hand and held it tightly. "even if you two are no longer together, you're one of her closest friends. Please come visit her."

"We didn't break up." He said sharply. "You'd have to be dating before you could break up. We were never dating."

Slowly, her lips formed an 'O'. "When did you two fight?"

Draco shot a glare her way but his expression quickly softened. Of all the Weasley's he found he tolerated Mrs Weasley the best. As pushy as she was, she showed him something he wasn't entirely used to be found he appreciated, a motherly affection. She was also the only Weasley who didn't walk on eggshells around him and instead treated him like she would every other person in the world. "France. We both decided we should spend less time with each other."

"But you don't want that." When he didn't respond, she nodded. "You should still come visit her."

"I can't." His voice began to shake as he continued. "I can't look at her without getting angry. I'm afraid I'll lash out." Frustration crept into his eyes. "After everything that had happened. Everything we had been through. How could she not know? How could she not want..." His fingers clenched and unclenched as he spoke.

Mrs. Weasley gently pulled him back to the couch and sat him down. Sitting next to him, she smiled sadly. "I'm sure you've been told this already, but she was hurt by Ron. It will be difficult for her to trust again; however, in all the years I've known her. Every conversation I've had with her. I've never seen her as happy as she was with you. Even if you were never "together", I've never seen her smile as widely as she did when she saw you sitting at my table with your new sweater and Teddy hanging off your arm." The witch's eyes sparkled. "Come talk to her."

"No." Draco shook his head. "I already tried and she already said 'No' to me. I'm not going to give her the chance to do it again."

"Did you though? Did you say, 'I love you and I know we belong together'?" When he didn't respond, she shook her head slowly. "She loves you too. Give her the chance to say 'Yes' before you determine she's already said 'No'. Facing death makes you rethink your life."

"Mrs. Weasley-"

"Mrs. Weasley?" She raised her eyebrows at him.

"Er, Molly," He cleared his throat. "I appreciate you stopping in today. I really do but I, I, um, I have a few things to get done so I'll see you around."

"You better go talk with her." She held up a finger as he ushered her towards the entryway. "If you don't, I won't make you any more pies." She threatened. "And I won't make you any Christmas gifts."

Draco pressed his lips together tightly. "Right. Thank you again for visiting." He managed.

Mrs. Weasley placed her hands on her hips and huffed. "Very well, we'll do this the hard way." She turned and strode out of his apartment.

I'm having a little bit of writer's block lately, I think it's due to finals. I have the next chapter nearly finished so I'll post that mid August. After that, I probably won't post again until sometime in December due to the new semester. Thank you for reading and thanks for those who have commented! I always enjoy reading what you have to say. :)

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