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Neither had slept very well the night before. Though exhaustion overtook both, neither felt rested. Hermione stood in the middle of the hotel lobby and waited for Draco to join her. She gripped her duffle bag tighter as he came up on her right.

"Are you ready?"

Looking forward, she nodded once. The events of last night added a new level to their relationship. Though they had done nothing wrong, they both had woken up with an odd feeling of regret. Wordlessly, Hermione had climbed out of bed and headed back to her room. She packed and went down stairs to wait for him, and there they stood now.

"I've been thinking, maybe we shouldn't spend so much time together." His grey eyes were regretful. "We don't really act like "just friends" and if that's all we're going to be, then we shouldn't spend as much time together." It hurt to say but he knew it had to be done. "Maybe once a week we could have tea but I don't think we should see each other outside of work."

Hermione closed her eyes. "If that's what you want, then that's fine."

"It's not what I want, but I think it's for the better." He dropped his voice. "Hermione, you know how I feel about you."


"Good morning!" Inaya walked into the lobby with a smile on her face. "Now let's go talk to this guy of yours. I have a lot to do so let's make this fast."

"What guy?" He inquired.

"Blaise. He was the most talented potion brewer of our year and he's only improved his skills while working with Luna. He's been discovering new ingredients, brewing revolutionary potions. I know he can find a cure."

"Blaise?" Draco sounded doubtful. "The man who, very often, can't figure out how to turn on the shower cause he's so plastered?"

"He's brilliant. I know he can do this." Hermione gave a nod towards Iyana. "We're ready. I haven't informed him yet but I believe he will be willing to help."

"Blaise, who usually wears nothing more than tube socks and boxers?"

"Yes. You know the Blaise I'm referring to."

"Tube socks?" Inaya raised an eyebrow. "Is he attractive?"

"Ugliest bloke I know."

"Blaise is very attractive." Hermione shot a glare at Draco, who rolled his eyes. "He's odd and very much still a child but he's the best in his field. And I'm sure Luna will pitch in if we need her."

"Great. The Toddler and the Moon Gazer. We'll have this cured by supper."

Inaya watched the two argue in silence. "What happened last night? Both of you are keeping it very far away from your thoughts."

"We better go." Hermione narrowed her eyes at the Frenchwoman. Stay out of my head. You can rummage around Blaise's.

"Very well, let's go." Inaya held out her arm to Draco and smiled pleasantly at Hermione.


"Let me get this straight. You want me to just talk with her for a few minutes?" Skepticism crossed Blaise's features at Hermione's affirmative.

"Yes, that is exactly what we want you to do. Please just trust us for a minute."

"Just do it, mate." Draco sunk into an armchair.

"Alright. Go ahead."

Inaya smiled at Blaise. "Let's begin with easy questions. What's your name and where did you go to school?"

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