42 || Innocent Suggestions

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Hermione sat on the couch with her legs hanging over the back and her head nearly touching the ground. She flipped the page in her book, placed her marker, and then snapped the book shut.

They'd been "officially" dating for one month now and in terms of their interactions, not much had actually changed. When she had told her parents of the news, they were ecstatic. Over the years they had grown rather fond of Draco, despite his less than pleasant attitude when they first met him. Slowly, he became progressively more polite towards them and eventually, he even grew to not only like, but truly love them. Her parents on the other hand, liked him almost instantly. Mrs. Weasley was just as thrilled and promised to make them matching Christmas sweaters. Mr. Weasley, however, had some strong reservations about the relationship. He was concerned about Draco's father mostly, and the stress he would put on them. She was less worried.

Her legs slid toward the arm of the couch and she tossed her book on the coffee table before resting her head in Draco's lap.

He had one arm over the back of the couch and a leg crossed over the other as he read his own novel. When she settled against him, he lifted his book and peered down at her. "Can I help you?"

She shook her head slightly. "I just wanted to lay here with you. Wanna stay at my place tonight? I bought food while you were at work so I thought we could make dinner. You know, just spend the evening in."

Draco paused mid-page turn. Casual suggestions such as these had a much deeper meaning to him now. "Are you saying you want to sleep with me tonight?" He raised an eyebrow and clicked his tongue. "Very forward of you."

She rolled her eyes and poked him in the stomach. "Get your mind out of the sewers. I just thought we could switch it up a bit. Also, Blaise seems slightly... different as of late..."

Blaise might have been more thrilled than Hermione's parents and Mrs. Weasley combined. He would come home and just smile at Draco and Hermione, occasionally flash them a thumbs up, or slowly nod. In all honesty, it was beginning to concern Hermione.

"True. He has been off lately. Sure, let's spend the evening at your place." Placing his book next to hers, he laced his fingers through hers and rested their clasped hands on top of her stomach. After a moment of silence, Draco spoke again. "My dad gets released next week." His eyes were turned towards the window as he spoke making it difficult to see his expression. Even though he said it so casually, Hermione could feel him tense. He'd been both waiting for and dreading this day for years.

"I've already requested the day off." He hadn't asked her to join him when he went to pick up his father, but it was obvious he didn't want to go alone.


She sat up and rested her head against his shoulder. "To go with you, of course. Didn't I say "If you need someone to step in, in any uncomfortable situation, I'll come?" I'll be there."

He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pressed a light kiss on the top of her head. "I guess I could cash in that offer now. But my father, he doesn't like you."


"Just letting you know, in case you'd forgotten." Any prejudices he had, had, everything he knew about wizarding blood came from his father. "He'll be horrible to you."  His father was often times less than cordial to Draco which meant he could be downright viscous to others.

"Uncomfortable situation." Hermione closed her eyes and smiled. "If it wasn't going to be uncomfortable then I wouldn't be going."

He smiled softly then shifted so he was facing her. Gently, he placed a finger under her chin and lifted till her eyes met his. "Do you remember when we were talking about scars? I spoke with The Director that day. He said you took less than a day to agree to mentor me. Why did you say yes?"

"I thought you were hot."

"I knew it."

She ran her hand down his arm. "It certainly wasn't because I liked you. I still hated you then." She scooted closer to him. "I figured you wanted to change your life. Wanted something more than you had. Wanted to be something better. Everyone deserves a second chance."

His mouth twitched. "Hopefully my father wants the same thing. Could you forgive him, the way you forgave me?"

"Of course. How could I hate the father of my boyfriend?" She wrinkled her nose and planted a quick kiss on the end of his.

"Very easily. He's kind of the worst sometimes." Draco leaned forward and rested his forehead against her shoulder. She responded by wrapping her arms around his back and pressing the side of her head against his. "He'll be staying here for a while."

"Do you think I should stay away for a the time being? Till he comes to grips with us?" She bit her lip as she waited for him to respond.

"No. I wouldn't want you away for a second. This is just going to be difficult. I don't know how he'll act towards you."

"Well then, I better give him nothing to complain about. I'll kill him with kindness." She shrugged lightly.

Draco pulled away and furrowed his brow.

"Oh, right, it means to be kind no matter what the other person says, does, or how they act. I could make dinner each night." She leaned back against the arm of the couch and rested her legs on his lap. "I'm guessing he'll be taking your room?" At his confirmation and rolled her head to one side. "Where will you sleep?"

"The couch."

"Pity," She gazed at the ceiling. "my bed is big enough for two."

He smirked and shrugged. "Guess you'll have to find someone else to fill that second spot."

"Shouldn't be too difficult."

Draco shifted on the couch and stretched out beside her. "This couch can fit two as well." He pulled her closer to him and tucked her head under his chin. "I have to stay here with him. I probably won't be over to your place for a while."

Hermione played with the buttons on his shirt and gnawed on her lip. "I know. I was teasing you. Just know that the offer always stands. You have a key."

He placed a light kiss on the top of her head and sighed contently. "Noted."

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