45 || A Change of Heart

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Two more weeks went by with minor changes in Mr. Malfoy's demeanor. Hermione would cook dinner, make him tea, clean, and yet, he barely acknowledged her presence or actions with anything more than a stiff nod; until one day when he lifted his evening tea to his lips and casually stated. "Draco will have to bring you by once The Manor is cleaned up. Give you a proper tour. The last time you were there was under rather unfortunate circumstances." He took a sip and placed his teacup on the saucer before leveling her with a firm look.

If there was only one similarity between Draco and his father, it would be their ability to hold a steady gaze. 

"I'd be delighted." Hermione managed after a moment of silence. "Draco's said so little about The Manor, I'd love to see it in all its glory."

Draco's eyes narrowed at his father. What was he up to?

"Wonderful. Draco will let you know when we're ready to receive you." Mr. Malfoy rose from the table and swiftly disappeared into Draco's room.

Hermione exhaled and smiled at Draco. "That's a good sign." Her eyes lit up as Draco leaned over and placed a kiss on her forehead. After her outburst three weeks ago, Lucius had started acknowledging her existence a little more. He would nod when he saw her or mutter a gruff thanks. It wasn't much, but it was technically progress.

"We'll see. Are you headed home?" At her confirmation, he walked her out but hesitated for a moment. "I love you."

She bit her lip and glanced downward. "I love you too." She beamed up at him and placed a quick kiss on his nose. "Goodnight."

Before she could turn and leave, he wrapped an arm around her middle and pulled her towards him. "I love you." He whispered a little more urgently before placing a light kiss on her lips.

Her hands ran up his neck. "I know." She stated, knowing he wouldn't get the reference. His Muggle pop culture knowledge had increased, but not by that much. Winking, she pulled away from him. "I'll see you tomorrow."

He closed the door behind her and walked over to the couch. What was his father up to? He snatched his pillow and blanket from the side table and threw them onto the sofa. He didn't just invite people over to The Manor. Even people they tolerated were rarely welcomed. 'When we're ready to receive her?' Draco snorted and plopped onto the couch. No one had ever called his father hospitable. He was never associated with the words: welcoming, inviting, or gracious. What made this any different? He had to be getting at something.

As Draco lay there his suspicions continued to grow. What was his father up to? Was he planning on driving Hermione away with reminders of the pain she endured? "He'll have to try harder than that." Draco scoffed. Hermione was tough, everything in her life had proven that. She wasn't likely to be frightened off by his father's stirring of old memories.

The night grew long as Draco continued to lie there in thought. "What's he playing at?" He growled. When the thoughts finally drove him to action, he flung his blanket off and stalked towards his room. "What are you getting at?" He snapped after flinging open the door.

His father rolled over in bed and slowly sat up. "Draco? What are you doing? Is something wrong?

"No, what are you doing?" He folded his arms. "Why are you inviting Hermione over to The Manor? What's your game?"

Lucius scoffed. "That's why you're waking me up? Can't I invite your girlfriend over for a visit?" He sneered. "I thought you'd be glad I was making her feel accepted."

"But you don't accept her." Draco stated. "She's Muggle-Born. No matter what she does or what she accomplishes, you'll never accept her. She'll never be good enough for you." He glared at his father. "I don't care if she's not good enough for you. She's far better than I deserve and you'll have to deal with that."

He rolled his eyes and rose from the bed. "Don't be ridiculous. What if I have accepted her?"

"Not possible." His father hardly accepted him as his own flesh and blood.

"After all these years you still think so little of me?" His father spat.

"I just know you have little chance of changing your nature than an arachnid." Draco shrugged. "I'm done being force fed the prejudices you shoved down my throat. I told you before, 'It always has been and always will be her.' Accept it. Nothing you do or say will change that."

"She's not a pure blood. The Malfoy line would be-"

"Improved! The Malfoy line would be greatly improved if she were a part of it. She's much better than a pure blood. No pure blood could possibly do what she's done. She's the only reason I am a Healer. Without her, I wouldn't be who I am today. She had no reason to help me, I hadn't given her a reason to help me, but she did. She's never given up on me since we started working together." His voice grew stronger as he spoke. "I'm stronger now than I was at The Battle and it's all because of her." He straightened his back. "I'm happy you're home, Father. I'm grateful for everything you did so mother and I could walk free. But if there's only one thing Azkaban should have taught you, it's that they don't care about your blood status, they treat every prisoner the same."

The two stood in front of each other in silent anger. Draco loved his father, he really did, but he wasn't about to let him start running his life again. He was determined not to fall back into old habits.

"I," His father slowly sat down and ran a hand over his face. "I know you don't care about my opinion, and you don't care if you don't have my approval, but I just want what's best for you."

Draco let out a measured breath before responding. "I do care about your opinion, and your approval means the world to me. Always has." He leaned against the wall next to the door frame. "But she's different. She is what's best for me. This isn't just some woman I'm having a fling with so if you don't approve, then I guess I don't want your approval this time. I'm not going to lose her again."

"Again?" His father closed his eyes as he took in what Draco had said. "I will try." He said softly. "It may take me a while, but I will try. Is that good enough for you?"

"For now." Dropping his arms he relaxed and took a step into the room. "Mother would have liked her." That made his father's head snap up. "She's brilliant, spirited, she doesn't let me get away with anything. The only thing she's 'lacking' is a pure blood status but she doesn't need that. She could make any pure blood look like they don't have a drop of magical blood in their body." He walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge. "The Malfoy line would benefit from having her blood mixed into it."

The two sat in silence as the weight of Draco's words settled over them and sunk in.

"Mother would have liked her." Draco repeated softly.

"Yes, she would have." Mr. Malfoy drew in a long breath before releasing it just as slowly. "Goodnight, Draco. You have work tomorrow."

Draco rose from the bed and slowly closed the door to the bedroom before returning to the couch. "Mother would have liked her." He repeated to himself with a small smile.

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