43 || Freedom

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Five years had passed. Five years and today was the day he would be released. Draco stood on the train platform with grim anticipation knotting his insides. So much had changed since The War ended. He'd changed. What if his father hated him even more now than he did when he was incarcerated? What if he took one look at him and decided Azkaban was a better option? What if-

"Relax." Five slender fingers slipped their way between his.

He wrapped his hand around hers and glanced downward. "I am relaxed."

"Don't lie to me." Anxiety was practically rolling off of him in waves.

"He hated me before he went to Azkaban, he's gonna hate me even more now."

She shook her head. "That's why I'm here. How could he possibly hate you when he hates my kind more."


"It's a joke." She nudged his shoulder. "Lighten up." When his frown remained, she turned to face him and took his cheeks between her hands. "Draco, it's going to be alright. I promise. He's going to be relieved to be free. Also, he made a deal during his trail. Remember? He promised to give up valuable information and wouldn't speak a word in his defense if you and your mother went free. Trust me, he'll be happy to see you." Rising up on her toes, she pressed her lips quickly to his before burying her face against his chest.

He closed his eyes as he wrapped his arms around her. "I hope you're right."

"I'm always right. That's why I was top of the class and you were only second best."

Draco let out a soft chuckle in response.

The train arrived seven minutes later and Draco tensed as he watched his father climb out. He looked older than he did when he entered Azkaban. His hair was a bit longer, his face unshaven, his skin looked grey and ashen. During the war he had been a shell of a man hiding and cowering before Voldemort, but today, despite the years in Azkaban, he somehow looked stronger than he ever had.

"He's here." Draco released Hermione and took a step forward.

Relief filled his father's grey eyes the second he spotted Draco.

"Draco." He stumbled slightly and the blond Auror next to him gripped his forearm in support.

"Careful, Mr. Malfoy." The Auror's face was cautioning but kind as he guided Lucius toward his son. "There we go. Hello, Mr. Draco. My name is Richard Hopkins, I am your father's escort today. I'm here to ensure he makes it home safely." Deep lines fanned around his eyes indicating a rather jovial personality and when he smiled, Hermione had difficulty believing he was an Auror and thought somewhere like Zonko's joke shop fit him more aptly.

Draco gave a nod to the Auror. "Thank you." He reached his hand back and pulled Hermione forward. "Father, I want you to meet someone."

She held out Lucius' walking cane. "Hello, Mr. Malfoy. Draco believed you might want this." Her cheeks were slightly pink as she glanced to the side.

Lucius remained silent as he eyes darted from Hermione to Draco to their clasped hands then back to Draco.

"Miss Granger." Richard held out a hand. "It is a pleasure to meet you, miss. I had no idea that you'd be joining us today."

"I asked her to come along to help ensure my father made it home." Draco tugged on her hand and the four began walking.

"Splendid. Absolutely splendid! It's always nice to come home to such a wonderful greeting. Come, come, right this way." Richard kept a light hand under Lucius' elbow to keep him steady as they walked. "I have had the great pleasure of conversing with you father on our train ride over and let me tell you, I have never had the chance to escort such a respectful individual." He boomed. "We talked of you mostly, Mr. Draco and what you've been up to. Working as a Healer, such honorable work."

Though Draco doubted some of the things Richard was mentioning, he got the strong impression that the Auror has the ability to see the best even in the worst people; an odd quality for someone in his line of work.

Once they had left the train station and arrived at an alley way, Richard began talking again. "Now there are a couple things you'll need to know. Mr. Malfoy has already been made aware of these terms. Your father will be under house arrest for two months during which time we will have someone, probably me, check up on him twice a week. At the end of that period he will receive his wand once more. Mr. Draco, if you wouldn't mind?" Richard motioned Draco forward.

"Oh, of course." Gripping Hermione's hand tightly in his own, he took hold of his father's arm and the four of them apparatuses to his doorstep.

"Thank you. Any questions?" Richard beamed.

Draco glanced at his father before shaking his head. "Thank you for everything."

"Anytime!" Richard laughed jovially and gave Lucius a gentle pat on the back. "You take care now." His tone became caring. "I will see you in a few days. Let me know if you three need anything." He nodded towards Hermione and left with a crack.

Hermione opened the door and the two ushered Lucius inside. "Mr. Malfoy, I've made up Draco's room for you while you're staying here." She set his cane by the door and turned towards Draco. "Dinner's in the kitchen. I should get going."

"Of course." He walked over to her and opened the door.

She stepped through the entryway and was surprised when Draco followed her. "It's going to be alright, Draco."

He responded by wrapping his arms around her and burying his face in her neck. "I'll see you at work." He pressed his lips to her forehead. So far, the first encounter she and his father had, had, had been rather cordial and Draco was grateful for that. He knew how terrified she had been when they left for the train station. She flashed him a smile before she turned down the street.

Lucius had taken a seat on the couch when Draco reentered the flat. "Miss Granger?" His eyes were guarded though not unkind.

Draco straightened. "Blaise will be here later today, when he arrives I will go grab your clothes and a few belongings. Once the two months are up, you can move back into The Manor."

Lucius glanced around the flat. "Why aren't you living there now?"

"I needed something different." He hadn't visited the Manor since his mother died. Her memory filled the halls, making each moment spent there nearly unbearable.

His father looked at the ground before returning his gaze to Draco. "I understand." His grey eyes coldly narrowed. "Miss Granger?" He repeated.

Draco took in a deep breath. "She's been very kind these past years and has helped me through some rather difficult times."

His father sniffed. "But her? She isn't a pureblood. She isn't even half-blood. Why her?"

"She's more magically gifted than most purebloods and she's an incredibly talented Healer. She played a key role in curing a recent infectious outbreak in the wizarding community."

Lucius kept a cold indifference on his face. "Will we be seeing her often?"

"She's offered to come make you dinner, every night. Father, this is a huge sacrifice for her. She works very hard and often doesn't have the energy to make her own food. Try to be civil to her. I'll make you some tea." Draco began walking into the kitchen only to pause at the threshold. "And father, there's no question about it; it has always been and always will be her."

Sorry for taking so long to update! The past month and a half has been an insane ride! I have the next chapter nearly finished so I should be able to post it the beginning-ish of June.

Also, that awkward moment when you accidentally predict a pandemic! Whoops. :|

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