Part 1-Intro

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As the final bell rang, all of the students at Francois DuPont High School rushed out the door, eager to get home. However, there was one boy who conquered the crowd, making his way up to the art room. Once he reached the room he sat down with a sigh at a table, pulling out his sketch book, drawings falling everywhere. With a sigh he bent down to pick them up, only to see two more pairs of hands helping him. When he looked up he saw two girls, both with a smile of their faces. The boy muttered, "T-thanks." He took the drawings from the girls and said, "Who are you two?" One of the girls helped him stand up, while the other sat on the floor, her face as red as a tomato. The moment her eyes met with the boy she felt something, like they were meant to be. There was a lousy smile on her face as the other girl said, "I'm Emilie, nice to meet you. And this.." Emilie looked down, only to see the other girl in a trance from the boys beauty. Emilie cleared her throat and said, "Aren't you gonna introduce yourself?" The girl snapped out of her daze and stood up, "H-hi." She muttered, "I-I'm Mabalie, I mean Nemilie, I mean-." Emilie interrupted her and said, "This is Nathalie." Nathalie smiled awkwardly while the boy said, "Nice to meet you. I'm Gabriel, Gabriel Agreste." Emilie said, "Nice to meet you as well. Sorry but we must get going, see you later Gabriel!" Gabriel smiled and replied, "Bye Emilie! Bye Nathalie!" There was a huge, love struck smile on Nathalie's face as Emilie dragged her out of the room. Once they were in the hallway Nathalie said dreamily, "Nathalie Agreste, or maybe Gabriel Sancouer, whatever, he's just so cute!" Emilie said, "Nathalie...calm yourself." Nathalie didn't respond, she just smiled happily while daydreaming about Gabriel. Emilie sighed and dragged her out of the building, going to Nathalie's house for a sleepover. Back in the art room, Gabriel sat at the table for the next hour, working on his fashion designs. After a while he packed up his things, putting them in his bag as he walked out of the school and headed home. Something was on his mind though, "Those two girls, they're so sweet." He grabbed his phone and texted his friend, Audrey, 'Hey Audrey, do you have Emilies phone number?' Within a few minutes his phone dinged with a response, 'Of course Gabrikins, here it is.' She then sent him her number and he texted her, 'Thanks Audrey.' He then put Emilies phone number in his phone and kept walking home, the two girls not leaving his thoughts. A little purple kwami popped his head out of Gabriel's jacket, "What's up Master Gabriel?" Gabriel sighed and said, "Gabriel, Nooroo, no need for Master. And nothing really." Nooroo said, "If nothings going on, then do you wanna go out?" Gabriel replied, "You bet." He ran home and walked upstairs to his room. He set his stuff down on his bed before saying, "Nooroo, dark wings, rise!" He transformed into Hawkmoth, jumped out his window, and ran throughout Paris. Nathalie was walking to her house with Emilie, talking about random things. Once they reached Nathalie's house they went inside her bedroom and plopped down on her bed. Nathalie looked out her window and saw Hawkmoth. She sighed and said, "I-I have to go to the store, be back soon." She ran out of her room and out of her house and said, "Dussu, spread my feathers!" She transformed into Mayura and she hopped on a building, walking up to Hawkmoth

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