Ch.2: School

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Hey guys I don't know if your mad cause I haven't updated for a while and I don't know if anyone actually liked my story sooooo please forgive me I'll try my hardest to update anytime possible, so its time for killua to be the best.
Killua's Pov....
I've been living in this world for a while and have found some answers apparently, this world has something called quirks instead of nen and there's nothing like hunters except from the one's
that hunt animals.
I finally found a way to get cash and a way to entertain myself by becoming an underground fighter. Yeah, it's shady but it's the only job, that pays a lot and gets a lot of money, if Gon was here he would be nagging at me continuously anyways as seen I can't use my powers here without a hero license, so I have to be a hero and other stuff, what a drag.
At school......
"Alright, I'm going to pass out this future career slips but I known you all wanna be heroes",the teacher said as everyone showed of their quirks except for three boys.
"Hey, teach don't lump me up with
this losers, they'll be glad enough to be my sidekicks",bakugo said as everyone murmured in disagreement."HEY, SHUT IT EXTRAS, IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY THEN SAY IT TO MY FACE",bakugo yelled as everyone quieted down."that's right bakugo, your applying at UA
am I right",the teacher said as everyone started to murmur about UA."and you to Midoriya",
said the teacher as everyone paused then laughed saying a quirkless nobody like him wouldn't be accepted or why would a loser like you ever be excepted.
"Oi, Deku are you trying to mock me by applying for the same school as me",bakugo said as he showed of some sparks as he threatened Deku."and it looks like
killua is also applying at UA",as the teacher said this everyone looked at the new transfer student with shock and disbelief."Oi, emo sadist you too, I guess I'll just have to put you into your place", bakugo said as he was about to hurt killua, a cold and deadly aura was emitted from killua as everyone felt the chill run up their spines."huh, you want to put me in my place, that's really funny",said killua with a little bloodlust.
"You know, ever since I got here, staying with you is the worse but..... If you ever threaten me or even touch me,.......I'LL KILL YOU",killua said releasing his bloodlust and showing of a crazed smile."Ummmm, killua please refrain from using your quirk, you know it's effective",the teacher said as killua stopped his assault as bakugo just went to his seat and started shaking but not with rage but fear.

Time skip to villain attack....
Deku’s POV...
I took the long way home cause I was thinking about the new transfer kid killua, his quirk is interesting and rare the ability to strike fear into his opponent and I'm sure that's not his only quirk.
As I mutter absent mindedly, I didn't realise that there was a slime monster behind me and I was to late to dodge and I felt a liquid climbing into my throat the more it forced itself, I was loosing consciousness, is this really the end no it can't be, I can't die here.

As I gave into death I could see a blurry image of a spec of white then I lost consciousness.

Sorry guys really busy I'll try okay don't be mad I have a lot of things to do again sorry

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